The scripture is clear on this matter, the earth is not moving, nor can it be moved. Therefore the sun revolves around the earth. If you disagree , you disagree with the bible and with God. The Church's treatment of Galileo Galilei was fully correct.
My priest may disagree and there may be many supporters of Helliocentrism in the Catholic Church, but the fact still stands: The Earth is not moving according to the bible and the bible is always right.
"The scripture is clear on this matter, the earth is not moving, nor can it be moved."
It's clear, all right. That doesn't mean it's correct.
Okay, I disagree with the Bible and with God. And not just on this.
Now that we've settled that, who wants pancakes?
We have the physics.
We win.
"Therefore the sun revolves around the earth"
Ho-lee fuck. I really, really, REALLY hope this is a joke. I have never wanted anything that bad in my life.
And science disagrees, which is the one that provides you anything you need. By the way, priests are always right ONLY when they tell you what you want to hear?, what about the part in the Bible that says that only Jews are the chosen people?, or that snakes speak?
The scripture is clear on this matter, lemon cheesechake is not tasty, nor can it be tasty. Therefore lemon cheesecake is disgusting. If you disagree , you disagree with the bible and with God.
My priest may disagree and there may be many supporters of lemon cheesecake in the Catholic Church, but the fact still stands: lemon cheesecake is not tasty according to the bible and the bible is always right.
What kind of jobs do people like this hold, 3rd assistant to the stand-in weekend restroom attendant? Seriously, if one thinks like this, what gainful employment is one suited for, doorstop... paperweight? Jeez.
Once again Ladies and Gentlemen.
Just, remember that you standing on a planet that’s evolving
And revolving at nine hundred miles an hour
It’s orbiting at nineteen miles a second, so it’s reckoned
A sun that is the source of all our power
The sun and you and me and all the stars that we can see
Are moving at a million miles a day
In an outer spiral arm at forty thousand miles an hour
Of the galaxy we call the Milky Way
Our galaxy itself, contains a hundred billion stars
It’s a hundred thousand light years side-to-side
It bulges in the middle, sixteen thousand light years thick
But out by us it just three thousand light years wide
We're thirty thousand light years from galactic central point
We go round every two hundred million years
And our galaxy is only one of millions of billions in this amazing and
expanding universe
The universe itself keeps on expanding and expanding
In all of the directions it can whiz
As fast as it can go, the speed of light you know
Twelve million miles a minute and that’s the fastest speed there is
So remember when you’re feeling very small and insecure
How amazingly unlikely is your birth
And pray that there’s intelligent life somewhere up in space
Cause there’s bugger-all down here on Earth
The scripture is clear on this matter, the earth is not moving, nor can it be moved. Therefore the sun revolves around the earth. If you disagree , you disagree with the bible and with God. The Church's treatment of Galileo Galilei was fully correct.
And when the Moons of Jupiter were seen orbiting in different patters, the "Sun circling the Earth" 'fact' fell apart. Why don't you read ALL of scietific information, instead of just cherry picking what you went?
"If you disagree , you disagree with the bible and with God."
Okay, I disagree with God. Yay. Glad we got that sorted out.
the goat-shaggers saw no further than maybe Mars, and certainly weren't able to make sense of the heavens!
So you're imposing 4000BCE understanding onto the world.
What other out-of-date knowledge will you use?
PS could be a Poe, but lying doesn't really count - it's a Poe if it's fundie-consistent, but not actually claiming fundie authority (eg appeals to a pastor!)
Near the end of the thread, Suecianus discovered that his church's official position is helliocentrism. So he blithely tells everyone to forget what he said in his OP.
Serious, serious facepalm
The scripture also says that incest is OK and its alright to kill adulterous wives and homosexuals...well, the Bible advocates murder a whole lot.
According to the scriptures, God is also fine and dandy with sacrifice (animal or human, your choice), and people can live somewhere in the ballpark of 900 years.
Play fair, Suecianus is only quoting what the Bible says. If most Christians don't believe that the Sun revolves around the Earth they are denying what's written in their their holy book.
Bro Randy (in a rare moment of unintentional wisdom) once criticized Christians who believe the creation story in Genesis is allegorical. 'If you don't believe the beginning of the Bible is true' he said, 'tell me at what point you think it starts be'. He never followed his insight to its logical conclusion though.
Actually Suecianus did take the Bible passages he cited as evidence very far out of context. He also engaged in a fair bit of quote mining.
The Bible doesn't, in fact, say that the sun revolves around the Earth. Which is why Christians who believe in helliocentrism are not in fact disagreeing with their "holy book".
That said, Suecianus makes me facepalm a LOT.
He ain't a poe, sorry to say.
(Controverse, CF)
And this is from the same twat that posted this:
He wonders why we criticize? To even include himself in the same post as the words "wise christian" is an insult to both the wise, and to intelligent christians.
"the earth is not moving, nor can it be moved."
Then the stars you see rising and setting during the night are actually whizzing around the Earth at many many times the speed of light.
And the Aberration of Starlight must be a myth made up by evil heliocentric astronomers....
Yes, you can set your inertial frame however you want, even your dog's butt. So your geocentric view of the world is as correct as a dogbutt-centric view is.
Sadly, both approaches are utterly useless when it comes to astronomy or trying to understand how gravity works.
So fundies get your facts right, the sun takes over 99% of all mass in the solar system, how can someone imagine that this is orbiting the earth?
I guess insects have four legs then? Since the wholy babble says they do.
The Bible doesn't even actually say that the sun revolves around the Earth.
You fail at reality AND the Bible, simultaneously. God job! That takes talent!
"If you disagree , you disagree with the bible and with God."
No, you just disagree with a bunch of morons.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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