Atheists are utterly incapable of logical and analytical thinking. If they were capable of logical and analytical thinking then they would accept that there is a Supreme Intelligence(God) governing the universe. I believe in God and Christianity because I utilized logical and analytical thinking to ascertain that God exists and that Christianity is totally logical to believe in.
"Atheists are utterly incapable of logical and analytical thinking. If they were capable of logical and analytical thinking then they would accept that there is a Supreme Intelligence(God) governing the universe."
Without evidence? I don't think so, hotshot. It's not 'logical' or 'analytical' to take as truth what some book that self-defines its authority says.
You utilized blind faith to pretend that Christianity is logical. Please explain the logic in assigning explanation-free "God did it" assertions to all of the ridiculous/impossible events in the Bible, as if I didn't know you can't.
"Atheists are utterly incapable of logical and analytical thinking. If they were capable of logical and analytical thinking then they would accept that there is a Supreme Intelligence(God) governing the universe."
Without evidence? I don't think so, hotshot. It's not 'logical' or 'analytical' to take as truth what some book that self-defines its authority says.
You utilized blind faith to pretend that Christianity is logical. Please explain the logic in assigning explanation-free "God did it" assertions to all of the ridiculous/impossible events in the Bible, as if I didn't know you can't.
Define for me the nature of a Supreme Intelligence, demonstrate to me that it exists, tell me why it needs to be creator (and not, say, Charles Fort's drooling idiot creator, or one of the Great Old Ones, or a nervous twitch in a singularity), and only then will I accept your premise.
"Atheists are utterly incapable of logical and analytical thinking. If they were capable of logical and analytical thinking then they would accept that there is a Supreme Intelligence(God) governing the universe. I believe in God and Christianity because I utilized logical and analytical thinking to ascertain that God exists and that Christianity is totally logical to believe in."
(This is the part where you demonstrate your line of reasoned and logical analysis. You know, because you wouldn't want to look like an idiot, would you?
Do you know that logic is?, the possibility of the existance of a supreme being that created the universe, doen´t imply the existence of something called God, there might be other explanations, let alone that that supreme being is the God as outlined in the Bible.
... I utilized logical and analytical thinking to ascertain that God exists ...
He's apparently accomplished something that the greatest philosophers of the last 2,500 years haven't been able to do. Why hasn't he submitted this amazing analysis to the Philosophical Quarterly so the rest of us can be enlightened? [/sarcasm]
No, you didn't. You might think you did, and you might, in fact, be a logical and analytical thinker, but you did not arrive at the existence of God through logic and analytical thinking.
Why not? Because a belief in God requires making assumptions , and when you do that, you are no longer utilizing logical, analytical thinking. What you are really doing is called "Arguing From Personal Incredulity." You can't believe that there is no God, so therefore there must be a God. That's fine, but you can't call it "logic."
All religious convictions require a deliberate illogical decision, Just accept that.
Analytically, a supreme intelligence - one that was omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, etc - would be completely unconstrained. That is, neither mathematics nor logic nor topoi would have any power over it.
Given that such a being is above and beyond the laws of logic and reason, it is hence impossible to ascertain whether such a being exists using these methods.
Christianity is totally logical to believe in, eh? So... it's totally logical to believe that an intangible quality called "sin" hangs about every one of us, so God impregnated a human woman (which means he would have had to make up a set of chromosomes for himself) and then proceeded to allow said offspring to be killed to give everyone a chance to get rid of their "sin." Oh, and then the offspring comes back to life, which we all know is completely logical.
God is supposed to be supernatural, right? Therefore God cannot be examined by any logical means, since logic is a tool of the natural world.
Flipper: There's no way to know because there aren't any emoticons here to abuse ...
I DO accept that there is a supreme intelligence governing the universe. And his name is bob. Only bob was smart enough to give himself a name that is not only short, but spelled the same backwards, as forwards. Ergo, god's name is bob. All bow down and worship bob ... *oooohmmmmm*
nah, its mike, over in lab 3 up on the 6th floor, the one that always smells like three-day-old pizza. We're really just some gunk that evolved in a desk-drawer. Its a good thing the great creator's a bloody slob.
But someday he'll graduate... or flunk out... and then the universe will be cleaned out with the rest of the junk. fundies call it "the apocalipse", but most of us know it as mopping
If there's one thing I've learned it's that logic can be bent to assert any claim a person desires to, assuming a moderate amount of intellect. Ever seen the proof for 1=2?
I'll have to go fetch my math book. The proof is escaping my mind at the moment. Needless to say, there is a subtle flaw in the math that most people don't notice.
The central idea of orthodox Christianity is to live by faith. The assertion that knowledge led the way to Christ and salvation was a central premise of gnosticism. Gnosticism was one of the earliest heresies to be targeted by orthodox Christianity, and is still recognized as a false path.
That's right George, by relying on your own efforts to acquire knowledge instead of faith, you are, by your own religion's definition, a heretic.
This lesson in your religion has been brought to you by an atheist.
Logic and analysis doesn't work like that.
For argument's sake, let's say there is a Supreme Intelligence governing the Universe. What makes you think it's your particular god, and not Zeus or Quetzalcoatl or Wotan.
Most folks I know don't care enough about religion to call themselves atheists.
You aren't real bright, are you?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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