"it is precisely and mainly to give homosexuals greater immunity to criticism than claimed by Jews or blacks."
Trans: 'BAWWWWWW! Soon I won't be able to call LGBT people 'Faggots', just as I can't call African-Americans 'Niggers', nor Jews 'Hebes' anymore! Oh, what shall we Poor White, Anglo-Saxon Protestants be able to take out our right-wing Christian bigotry out on?!'
(emphasis added):
Jeremy Clarkson: 'Why is it in Hollywood films, the Brits are always the baddies?'
Brian Cox: 'Because the Americans distrust intelligence.'
-"Top Gear" (the 'Star in a Reasonably Priced Car' section)
Samuel L. Jackson played a villain in the British gangster film "The 51st State", and he didn't have a problem with the role. He's not a Caucasian in an American Hollywood film.
Therefore, isn't this kind of stereotyping in your films discrimination too?
...ah, but then, casting British actors as the protagonists, and having American actors as the antagonists wouldn't make them very marketable now, would it? So where were you, Andy Schaftafly & co., protesting against the abortion of a film (which rode completely roughshod over history) "U-571"?
PROTIP: Conservapoodia, the first Enigma machine was captured by a British Royal Navy ship; it was a Canadian Navy ship which captured a later & more advanced 4-rotor Enigma. The only machine (effectively obsolete) captured by the US Navy, their doing so nearly jeopardised the plans for Operation Overlord (D-Day). Ah, but then a film - based on historical fact - which showed Americans fucking up, again wouldn't be very marketable now, would it. And you don't like fact intruding upon your delusional little fantasy world do you, Andy? Thus you've made your own little dimension in your own image.
So the same could be said about the way you've changed the Bible eh, Andy Schaftafly? Riding roughshod over Theology.