Since many people like to change the words in the bible, let's change Darwin's theory too. Afterall, anyone's interpretation of his words are as correct as anyone's interpretation of the bible.
So Darwin claimed that humans didn't evolve from apes or primates, but instead, from the a three-toed sloth that just...mutated into a human. Afterall, mutations happen all the time so of course this is the way it happened. We have fossils of three--toed sloths that existsed millions of years ago so that is proof that they turned into humans.
We also have other fossils that once used to be a three-toed sloth, but they died out because they weren't fit enough so they thankfully happened to breed a superior three-toed sloth. Whew! That mutation was a lucky break. But wait...the environment must have been colder then let's say around an avergage of 20 degrees all year around, no let's make it 30. Yeah, that's a nice round number because it was much closer to the ice age so it fits right in.
So the above is true because it's my "interpretation" of Darwin's words and they're just as right as anyone else's.
No, you're deliberately rewriting Darwin, which is no more valid than rewriting the Bible. You can interpret Darwin however you like. But you'll be a majority of one if you do.
The Bible is and has been open to new interpretations for centuries. You can interpret it however you like. You'll still be a majority of one.
Ah, a day without a post quote from Carico is like a day without sunshine.
Perhaps that's why England lacks so much sun. We don't have half-wits like Carico breathing our air.
You may interpret it any way you wish. But unlike the Bible, evolution is science. Any changes have to be proven. You know, data, evidence, reason, peer review.
Carico, you don't even have a good enough grasp of what Darwin said to make an amusing parody of it. Why don't you find a kind, smart person to read one of Darwin's books to you and explain some of it for you? Maybe this kind, smart person could help you with the Bible, too.
Okay, Carico...I assume, then, that you're reading the Bible in the original Hebrew, untranslated, abridged, or edited? And not just the stuff in the modern Bible, but all the books that have been cut out or banned as heretical over the centuries?
No? You're not? Then shut the fuck up.
Okay, Carico...I assume, then, that you're reading the Bible in the original Hebrew, untranslated, abridged, or edited?
What? No! The Bible is in God's language--English! Remember? All those other languages the Bible has been translated "from" are... uhm... damn, I don't know. Given the usual assumptions, probably a preemptive trick of Satan.
Carico, we're sorry if the language in Darwin's book is beyond you. But most people can understand it as it is written in a straigh forward manner. The Bible is a riddle wrapped in an engima, all smothered in a savory sauce consisting of one part allegory and three parts, pure, unfiltered bullshit.
Carico, you don't even have a good enough grasp of what Darwin said to make an amusing parody of it. Why don't you find a kind, smart person to read one of Darwin's books to you and explain some of it for you? Maybe this kind, smart person could help you with the Bible, too.
Furthermore, "I'm entitled to my opinion" does not hold up in a debate. That's like saying "Because." When somebody asks "Why?"
There's a vast difference between interpreting different meanings from the Bible because of its ambiguous style and outright contradictions on the one hand and, on the other hand, when criticizing Darwin, completely making stuff up.
Critics of biblical literalism have no need to lie about what's written in the Bible. Heck, that's what makes it so easy; the Bible is its own worst enemy as far as conveying anything rationally and/or consistently (especially with regard to consistency with known reality). By all means, cleave to its every literal word; you look like that much bigger a fool for doing so.
Darwin's writings, however, are largely quite correct and in general are models of scientific workmanship, and they DO reflect reality quite well -- and there really is no doubt at all about when he expresses something literally or metaphorically. There's no real need to "interpret" his writing as saying anything other than what it does say, and there certainly is no point in just making stuff up that isn't there at all.
Basically, Carico, this is the kind of argument tactic I would expect to see employed by 10-year-old kids taunting each other on the playground. It doesn't cut any ice in an adult discussion; it's just irritating. So if this is the best you've got, go back to the playground. We've got grown-up talk to do here.
~David D.G.
There is a difference between "interpreting" something and blatantly changing it without reason. The Bible is frequently reinterpreted by Christians, so why can't non-Christians? And Darwin provided proof and evidence, which the Bible does not. You can't simply change things you don't like.
You'd have to know Darwin's theory, and understand it before you could ever hope to entertain thoughts of mocking it.
Here's a partial list of "interpretations" of the bible.
1. (AAT) The Complete Bible: An American Translation, by Edgar Goodspeed and J. M. Powis Smith, 1939.
2. (ABT) The Afro Bible Translation
3. (ATB) The Alternate Translation Bible
4. (ASV) American Standard Version (purchase ASV)
5. (AB) The Amplified Bible (editions for sale)
6. (ALT) Analytical-Literal Translation
7. (ASL) American Sign Language Translation
8. (AV) Authorized Version (same as KJV)
9. (Bar) The New Testament: A New Translation, by William Barclay
10. (BLB) The Better Life Bible
11. (BWE) Bible in WorldWide English
a. The Bible Gateway Translation Information (see BWE description)
b. (CCB) Christian Community Bible
12. (CE) The Common Edition: New Testament
13. (CJB) Complete Jewish Bible
a. Comparison with NIV
14. (CV) Concordant Version
15. (CEV) Contemporary English Version
a. CEV online
b. Energion review
c. Interview: On the Shoulders of King James
d. Ken Anderson review
e. Michael Marlow review
f. Tyndale website overview
16. (Dar) Darby
17. (DR) Douay-Rheims
18. (DRP) David Robert Palmer's translations of the gospels
19. (EMTV) English Majority Text Version
20. (ENT) Extreme New Testament (revision of Simple English Bible, below)
a. Forward, by Tommy Tenney
21. (ERV) Easy-to-Read Version
22. (ESV) English Standard Version
23. (FF) Ferrar Fenton Bible
24. (GLW) God's Living Word
25. (GNC) God's New Covenant: A New Testament Translation, by Heinz W. Cassirer
26. (GNT) Good News Translation [formerly, (GNB) Good News Bible, and (TEV) Today's English Version]
27. (GW) God's Word
a. God's Word online
b. Review of God's Word, by Wayne Leman
28. (HCSB) Holman Christian Standard Bible (online, see Access Bibles section, below
a. article
29. (HNV) Hebrew Names Version
30. (ICB) International Children's Bible (children's version of the NCV)
31. (ISB) International Standard Bible (formerly titled The Simple English Bible)
32. (ISV) The International Standard Version
a. ISV Naturalness and Comprehension Survey, by Phil Fields
33. (JBP) New Testament in Modern English, by J.B. Phillips
a. New Testament in Modern English, Revised, by J.B. Phillips
b. Student edition
c. The J. B. Phillips Translation: A Guided Tour
34. (JNT) Jewish New Testament: A Translation of the New Testament That Expresses Its Jewishness (see Complete Jewish Bible)
35. (JPS) Jerusalem Publication Society: Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures, The New JPS Translation According to the Traditional Hebrew Text
36. (KJV) King James Version and recent revisions
a. KJV
i. Translators to the Reader
b. (DKJB) Defined King James Bible
i. DKJB reviewed by Joseph Ng
ii. DKJB reviewed by David W. Cloud
c. (KJII) King James Version II (renamed to Literal Translation of the Holy Bible)
d. (KJ21) King James for the 21st Century
i. KJV21 review
e. (KJ2000) King James 2000
f. (LITV) The Literal Translation of the Holy Bible (formerly named King James II)
i. LITV download site
ii. The Literal Translation of the Holy Bible Frequently Asked Questions
g. (MKJV) Modern King James Version
i. alternate site
ii. MKJV download site
h. (NKJV) New King James Version
i. (RAV) Revised Authorised Version (British edition of the NKJV), review
i. (RKJV) Revised King James New Testament
j. (TMB) The Third Millennium Bible
k. (UKJV) Updated King James Version
37. (LITV) The Literal Translation of the Holy Bible (see under KJV and recent revisions)
38. (LB) Living Bible
39. (MAEV) Modern American English Vernacular
a. discussion list for MAEV
40. (MLB) Modern Language Bible: New Berkeley Version
41. (Mof) Bible: James Moffatt Translation (
42. (NAB) New American Bible
a. "The New American Bible": A Voice From the Past
b. (NAB) New American Bible (access entire Bible)
43. (NASB) New American Standard Bible
a. What is the philosophy of translation set forth by The Lockman Foundation?
44. New Berkeley Version (see Modern Language Bible)
45. (NCV) New Century Version
46. (NEB) New English Bible
47. (NET) New English Translation
a. NET Bible online
b. Try the NET Bible! (a critique)
c. An Open Letter Regarding The NET Bible, New Testament (a reply to the critique)
48. (NET) New Evangelical Translation
49. (NIrV) New Internation Reader's Version
50. (NIV) New International Version
a. The NIV: The Making of a Contemporary Translation
51. (NJB) New Jerusalem Bible
52. (NKJV) New King James Version (see under KJV and recent revisions)
53. (NLV) New Life Version
54. (NLT) New Living Translation
a. The Living Bible Reborn
b. Re: New Living Translation (a review)
55. (NRSV) New Revised Standard Bible
a. NRSV critiqued by John H. Dobson
56. (NWT) New World Translation (published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of the Jehovah's Witnesses)
57. (OBP) The Original Bible Project
58. (OSB) Orthodox Study Bible
59. (ONT) The Original New Testament: The First Definitive Translation of the New Testament in 2000 Years, by Hugh Schonfield
60. (PMB) Postmodern Bible - Amos
61. (Rec) Recovery Version
62. (REB) The Revised English Bible (revision of NEB)
63. (RSV) Revised Standard Version
64. (RV) Revised Version, 1885
65. (RYLT) Revised Young's Literal Translation
66. (Sch) The Schocken Bible
67. (SEB) The Simple English Bible
68. (SENT) Spoken English New Testament
69. (TM) The Message
a. A Summary Critique: The Message, by John R. Kohlenberger III
70. (TMB) The Third Millennium Bible
71. (TEV) Today's English Version [see (GNT) Good News Translation]
a. Book Review: Today's English Version (TEV)
72. (TNIV) Today's New International Version
a. TNIV website
b. TNIV Debate Between Dr. Wayne Grudem and Dr. Mark Strauss
c. TNIV links
73. (Tyn) Tyndale
74. (Wey) Weymouth
a. Preface to the First Edition
75. (WEB) World English Bible
76. (Wms) The New Testament in the Language of the People, by Charles B. Williams (another website)
77. (WNT) Wesley's New Testament
78. (Wuest) The New Testament (An Expanded Translation) purchase
79. Yes Word (update of Tyndale translation)
80. (YLT) Young's Literal Translation of the Bible (download entire text)
a. view Young's Literal Translation of the Bible
b. Preface to the First Edition
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