Believe It! #fundie

I would not want that kind of life for my kid or anyone else's.

The hatred people feel towards gays is nothing. Gay people don't have it harder than anyone else.

People who are gay can help it and it is in their power to control what they are attracted to and how they act.

People are going to be mean to my kids even if they are straight. People stink. There is nothing anyone can do about mean people.

If my kid choses to be homosexual, I would rather him or her repent and seek God's help in order to act normally as heterosexuals. I would also be involved in saving my child from the homosexual deathstyle. However, none of my kids will ever be gay, because I will raise them correctly. Believe it!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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