Enkl #fundie wattsupwiththat.com
Now for Australia. Here’s a copy of my email of this afternoon to the Prime Minister.
Dear Sir,
1. Most of the warming of the global climate over the last 100 years is an artifact of the retrospective adjustment of historical measurements. The adjustments have not been subject to peer review. Their scale has always been arbitrary, and their putative rationale has often been dubious.
2. ENSO fluctuations and other natural phenomena give a complete account of all climate variations during this period.
3. The sensitivity to carbon dioxide of the climate system is essentially nil. There has been no statistically significant warming for 20 years, despite the continued rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide. (While there is a small measured enhanced greenhouse effect, it is entirely offset by negative water vapour feedbacks.)
4. While the level of atmospheric carbon dioxide has no net impact on global temperatures, it has a substantial beneficial impact on agricultural yields.
5. ANY informed and scientifically literate person who gainsays the above points is acting dishonestly.
6. Attempts to limit the rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide are futile (for scientific, technical and geopolitical reasons).
7. Attempts to limit the rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide are exacerbating global energy poverty, which is causing tens of thousands of excess winter deaths each year (many in Europe), and reducing the life expectancy of many poor people. Doing so intentionally is unconscionable.
It appears that you continue to believe that it is imperative to reduce Australia’s carbon dioxide emissions. It is not. You are intelligent enough to assess the scientific claims of both sides of the debate and and astute enough to assess the integrity of their actions. Please do so.
Please be a real leader, not a follower. Please stop the campaign against carbon dioxide – for Australia, for the world, and for your own political future.