["But what is faith, Carico? Is it belief in the bible? That is definitely not what I have found faith to be."]
"It certainly isn't faith in our own imaginations! That's what atheists do. They think that if they believe something then that makes it true."
And here I thought most atheists had a simple two step process:
__1) Determine, to the best of your ability through evidence and reason, what is true.
__2) Believe only that.
But what do I know? I'm only one of them. Like a man blowing his top but ignorant of his anger, I'm blind to how this is really just a faith. Unlike Christian faith, of course, which is blind itself but "absolutely true nonetheless."
"It certainly isn't faith in our own imaginations! That's what atheists do. They think that if they believe something then that makes it true."
You couldn't get it more backwards than that, Carico. Atheists generally believe in demonstrable facts and theories supported by good evidence. Christianity requires faith, which is belief in assertions and things for which there is no supporting evidence.
Aaaaaah Carico, the ugliest and most hideous of the Gorgons, and her legendary aversion to mirrors after the death of her sister Medusa.
(Although I prefer the story of the three crones that only had one eye and one tooth between the three of them that they had to share and pass round - it entirely failed to mention the two brains used to be passed round except Carico forgot to ask for her turn and the other two weren't going to remind her.)
I don't know about all atheists, but I base my beliefs on evidence and reason.
I am able to revise my thinking when presented with new evidence and information because my world view is not based on a primitive belief system.
If wishing made things true, I'm sure your messiah would have come back by now. *snicker*
"Why, when I talk about faith, do you always assume I'm talking about God?" --Shepherd Book, "Serenity"
If you could prove your religion to be true,
we don't believe in things that don't exist and we don't believe the stories that never happened
you disbelieve Greek, Norse and Native legends. Why? They have as much proof as Christian beliefs
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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