Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

The Panama Papers are a set up

Everything is controlled. They want you to see what serves the play game and it's not necessarily true as all parties mentioned in the leaks are actors in the big show.

All countries are players in the show, but not all countries pull the strings. Only one country leads the others in a world government formed in 1947. It's Britain and the entity that runs the show internally and globally is MI6, the rogue society that formed both CIA and Mossad in the same year after WWII to complete the secret world government which rules over the world until this moment. Money and religions are used to trick everybody into thinking Bankers, Vatican, Israel and Saudi Arabia are the ones that pull the strings which is not the truth. Intel agencies and specially MI6 are ones. Plain and simple!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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