Hirschibold #racist amren.com

Here's some food for thought: I was recently reading Dr. Ben Bova's book "Immortality" wherein he suggests that in less than twenty years, scientists will probably figure out how to halt cellular senescence by lengthening telomeres inside our DNA, which will increase human lifespans by hundreds (and possibly thousands) of years. For those who would laugh at Bova, it should be remembered that he correctly predicted that the Russians would put a satellite into orbit, and that the Americans would put a man on the moon, and in that order.

Dr. Bova goes on to say that if and when we cure cancer as well as other diseases, and indefinitely prolong man's life, it will be due primarily to the work of Nobel Laureate James Watson, a man who was driven out of polite society for saying pretty much what Charles Murray and [Jason] Richwine are saying.

To put it bluntly, the "racist" men of science have put our species closer to eradicating death and disease altogether. What has an "anti-racist" like Tim Wise done for his country lately? Wish death on older white people who have the temerity to have different political views than him? It's pretty simple: the "racists" seek enlightenment, the "anti-racists" seek to keep us in ignorance.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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