1) Something different happened in Jerusalem during the time of Christ other than Jesus's preaching, miracles, death, and resurrection, although they never say what and if they did, can't verify their versions with anyone in history.
Confused much? There's no historical record of a man named Jesus wandering around preaching, claiming to be the son of God or the King of the Jews, and being summarily executed because of it. No records of people being raised from the dead, or the blind gaining sight, or payments of silver to traitorous ex-followers. What was going on in Jerusalem was Roman occupation, a few underground resistance movements, and hundreds of street-corner preachers claiming that they were the Messiah.
2) Changing Jewish history at any point they want to. Unfortunately, that history will differ according to each atheist, nor can it be verified by anyone in history.
The history will differ according to how much actual history a person knows, and how much Bible-version history they know. The fact is, the Bible is wrong on a lot of counts in regards to the Hebrew tribes, and archaelogical evidence has proven this.
3) Claiming that Jesus's words were made up with no proof.
They may not have been made up; they could easily be a collection of sermons and parables from varying "prophets" of the era.
4) Claiming that the authors of the bible were lying or deluded with no proof for their claims
See above.
5) Claiming that Jesus didn't perform miracles with no proof for their claims
Water cannot spontaneously turn into wine. The dead cannot rise. Lepresy cannot be cured by touch. I don't think we're the ones who need to prove anything, lady.
6) Claiming that they know what happens after we die when none of them have died yet
Everyone knows what happens after you die: there's some sort of ceremony or gathering for family and friends to mourn your loss, and then you get buried underground. Or burned. Or thrown overboard. Or pushed out to sea on a firey longboat.
Beyond that is the realm of superstition and faith. And I'd wager that no one you know has died, taken a peek at the afterlife, and come back to tell you all about it.
7) Claiming that their morals are better than Christ's
Does anyone complain about Jesus' moralizing? The Sermon on the Mount was the purest code of ethics ever put forward, distilled from various cultures around the world. Unfortunately, the Beautitudes just don't jive with the rest of your crazy-ass book, or your crazy-ass god.
8) Claiming that Jesus didn't exist
Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Historical evidence points to "didn't."
Unless you meant Jesus Gonzales. Went to school with him a couple of years ago; good guy.
9) Claiming that Jesus didn't show the world his divine powers when they have no proof for their claims
Carico, your grammar's usually pretty decent, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here instead of just mocking you for technically disproving yourself.
As I said above, wine doesn't turn into water, the dead don't walk, etc. And aside from casting Resurrection, Remove Disease, and Remove Blindness/Deafness a few times, what "divine" powers did Jesus have? Floating up to Heaven like an alien abductee?
10) Claiming that they're indifferent to God when they spend thousands of hours discussing God.
Well-- Hey! She's kinda right; I, for one, do spend a lot of time discussing and thinking about the idea of god. Which is probably why I don't believe in such an entity.
The above are only just a few of the lies that atheists have to tell to deny that Jesus is Lord.
Can't wait for the sequel, bitch.
So I have a question to which I'd like to know the answer:
Do atheists know they are lying?
Do fundamentalists?
If so, then why do they want beliefs that they know are based on lies?
Lady, you believe in a tyrannical god that condones, even orders, genocide, rape, murder, theft, incest, and adultery. The only consistent thing about him is that he is petty, jealous, and vengeful. You believe in a god who cannot influence the world directly, who is limited by his own rules to the point where he had to have his own son tortured and executed just so that he could accept humanity's apologies. You believe in a god who's holy book is built on factual error, on contradictions and lies.
I believe in rational thought, and the scientific method, and the potential of the human mind, and the bonds of family and friendship, and loyalty, and trust, and love, and the basic goodness of mankind.
Tell me, Carico, which is the lie?