Cretus Clawfinger #fundie
Modern leftism is such an extreme aberration in that it requires white majorities to support policies explicitly opposed to their own tribal self-interest, that any movement intelligently articulating a return to sanity was bound to be successful absent repression or censorship, which was made impossible by the internet. Rational self interest fused with ethnic/national tribalism of one kind or another is the default mode of being for all peoples throughout world history. Those groups that lacked this sense or the power to assert it were selected out of existence or absorbed into more dominant cultures. The 50 or so year vacation from this in the West is the result of the miserable failure of the disasterous Nazi regime mixed with the unparalleled material wealth that made the moralistic indulgence of mass 3rd world immigration seem tolerable. The west has now reached a tipping point of no return demographically where this continued indulgence will lead to cultural and biological erasure, while finally beginning to threaten the economic security of comfortable bourgiouse that are running out of territory to flee too.
The situation is self's not complicated or hard to understand. This perspective aligns with natural human tribal intuitions so it's as easy to convince the low IQ as it is the spergy autists once you break their conditioning. Additionally, leftist discourse has degraded to be solely defined by a facile, hysterical identity politics which is every bit as bigoted, racist, and violent as they project onto the far right (if not more so in some respects). The hypocrisy of this is glaringly obvious. In light of this, my view is not "look how perfect the altright movement is" but, "what took so long?"
White (trash) nationalism has been around for a long time. Pre alt-right/European New Right, all it has accomplished is to help Jews and leftists defame white people and the advocacy of white interests by larping as cartoonish boogeyman while cheerleading needlessly inflammatory failed ideologies of the past. Overcoming the stigma of these losers is now the main impediment to white tribalists achieving their goals.
The alt right is successful to the extent that they have chucked this paradigm for something new. They've been extraordinarily successful, with strengths and weaknesses abound. I think this should be less surprising than it may appear given the historical forces at play and the easy victory the left has handed them by abandoning truth for feelings and avoiding debate in favor of shrill moralizing.
Criticizing the alt right is not to reject it as a whole, and much more useful than just mindlessley cheerleading whatever putrid vulgarities are trending on the daily stormer. There are good reasons that the left was able to deconstruct white nationalism 1.0 and any movement that has a chance at victory should be resilient to these critiques.
And don't give me "the enemy doesn't punch left, why should we?" horseshit. Yes they do. Some Marxist whackjob blabbering about beheading landowners would be exiled from all but the most dope soaked antifa squat. There's obviously use in not respecting, or being confined by, leftist taboos. Nazi frog trolling can be funny and may have its limited place. Becoming the monsters the left accuses you of being is just the opposite side of the coin of allowing leftists to define you. You're shucking and jiving for the cameras like a white minstrel show. If the left accuses you of pedophilia, you don't start fucking kids just to piss them off.