It is sometimes asserted that if human bones aren’t found with dinosaur bones, then dinosaurs and man didn’t live together. Creation scientists point out that this is a false assumption; if human bones aren’t found buried with dinosaur bones, it simply means they weren't buried together.
They're.. not..
Oh wow, that editor is a retard.
The problem isn't that they're nowhere near it, it's that they're nowhere near it vertically - in the layers... 65 million years... you know what, forget it.
Well, when the archaeologists of the future find us buried under this much fail, they'll be sure to know that we were around when Conservapedia was the place idiots went to to confirm their prejudices.
Real scientists know how the sedimentary process works. Real scientists can figure out when the dinosaur [or whatever] fell dead. Real scientists can also determine whether the hominid in question lay where it died, or was interred, or was chewed on for a while by a predator. [For extra credit, identify the predator by the teeth marks.] AFAIK, the first hominids to reverently inter their dead were the Neanderthals, who lived just yesterday in paleological terms.
But we're talking about Conservatardia here, and there should be no surprises concerning content.
Okay but how about this
1) The earliest human fossils are dated at about 130,000 years ago.
2) The latest dinosaur fossils are dated at 65 million years ago.
Therefore it is impossible for humans to live with dinosaurs, the fact that they aren't found together in any fossil field only solidifies this claim. Then add to the fact that the only fossil fields that contradict this are hoaxes only solidifies the claim that creationists are lying scumbags.
Ah, Conservapedia, dedicated to preserving the three R's in America:
Reality for
If you can find human bones and dinosaur bones buried together you'll make every single science journal. Hell, you might even get the nobel prize!
Well get off your ass then! Those bones wont dig themselves up!
This just needs a little rearranging.
"It is sometimes asserted that if human bones aren’t found with dinosaur bones, then dinosaurs and man didn’t live together. Creation "scientists" point out that; if human bones aren’t found buried with dinosaur bones, it simply means they weren't buried together. This is a false assumption"
Much better.
"Creation scientists"
Oxymoron of the day.
Also, way to totally ignore Stratigraphy. It's only the foundation for modern geological thought and everything. Oh, well, I guess if applying it to the situation would show your statement to be totally bogus, it's okay to just kinda... skip over that part.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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