The entire idea of women pursuing independent careers is unbiblical according to 1st Timothy 5:14-15. It's not a sin per se for ladies to pursue a career, IF becoming a wife and mother is your primary goal in life. For obvious reasons, the two agendas greatly conflict with each other. In fact, there is a conspiracy at work (and this should make you angry) which has been very successful in hindering American women from having big families, by getting them into the workforce. Please read, The Engineering Of The American Woman (or, the Communist Plot Against Mothers).
Big Christian families are the most dangerous threat to the New World Order. Why do you think we have weird Hollywood, hellivision, the sicko music industry, the lying newsmedia, the hellish video games, feminism, abortion, homosexuality, false religion, and all the subversive things in American culture today?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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