David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
I happen to believe in God-given rights as a parent. That is to say... I brought my child into the world and I (not the government) am directly responsible for the safety and well-being of my child. Unfortunately, oftentimes the government (DCFS) and the parents disagree on what is "BEST" for a child. This is especially true when it comes to medicines (drugs)! With the advancement of modern medicine and the onslaught of drugs to treat everything from a headache to hyper-activity, it has hurled parents into a whole new arena of problems with the DCFS system (or should I say it has given DCFS a very powerful tool to attack innocent parents with). With the militarization of America's Police Force after the 911 attacks, Christian parents have all the more reason to be cautious, protect themselves and be very careful who you trust to watch your children.
The DCFS investigator told us the first day she came to our door on March 13th, 2002 to "get that medicine into your daughter's body." That was her exact words. In fear, we complied immediately. We took our daughter to a neurologist within 2-weeks and the neurologist placed our daughter on 250mg of "Depakote." Depakote is a drug derived from Valproic Acid. Valproic Acid is used to calm patients in insane asylums (it basically deadens the brain's activity).
Read Here on The DANGERS of Depakote! (scary!!!)
Medication Dangers!
DCFS FORCED this upon our child!
Our new doctor has stated in writing to DCFS (through our lawyer) that our daughter suffered from "liver toxicity" and "bone marrow shut-down" because of the forced Depakote!
The government has NO RIGHT to play Russian-Roulette with our daughter!
We've already been billed by our lawyer for over $20,000 and DCFS still won't withdraw the charge against us as being “negligent parents” for our failure to drug our child with a dangerous drug!
We know we did the RIGHT THING in NOT allowing our daughter to be a guinea-pig for the pharmaceutical industry!
Please Read, The Psycho State, by Texas Congressman Ron Paul
Please Read, It Can't Happen Here, by Texas Congressman Ron Paul
Mandatory Toxic Drugs for Babies and Children
God WILL Avenge us!
Romans 12:19