Dr. David R. Reagan and Franklin Graham #fundie lamblion.us

Franklin [Graham] has just announced that he plans to take his message of repentance to the entire nation during 2016 by holding prayer rallies in every state in the union before the presidential election in November. He is calling it The Decision America Tour.

He says he plans to challenge Americans to:

1. Pray earnestly for the nation.
2. Live out their faith boldly.
3. Take a stand for righteousness.
4. Run for public office.
5. Get out to vote.
6. Be salt and light for the nation.

Here's how Franklin has summed up the overall purpose of the rallies:

"The only hope for this country is Almighty God and His Son. We can't sit idly by any longer. LGBT activists, abortion rights advocates, aggressive atheist groups, and others who ignore God's Word are trying to shove their agenda down our throats. We need to take every opportunity to speak up for biblical standards and let our lights shine. We need to work to preserve our religious freedoms so that we can continue to proclaim the Gospel freely. If we as Christians stand together and let our voice be heard, I believe God can use us to make a difference. I hope you will start praying with us now."



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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