
Clay Christensen, Rafael Cruz, Dr. David R. Reagan #fundie lamblion.us

[In response to a quote from Harvard professor Clay Christensen: "As religion loses its influence over the lives of Americans, what will happen to our democracy? Where are the institutions that are going to teach the next generation of Americans that they, too, need to voluntarily choose to obey the laws? Because if you take away religion, you can't hire enough police."]

Rafael Cruz: What happens is when you destroy, I would say Christianity more than religion, what takes its place is another religion which is called Secular Humanism. Secular Humanism basically says there is no God, for you are your own God. On that premise there are no moral absolutes. As a matter of fact, their mantra is, "If it feels good, do it." Secular Humanism embraces a lot of chaos, a lot of immorality, and a lot of corruption. It causes a situation that deteriorates more and more and more. That's exactly what we see happening in America today.

Dr. Reagan: You are of the age where we have witnessed in our lifetime the deterioration of America. When I was a kid growing up, we did Bible readings in school. We prayed in school. Our English Reader was made up of Bible stories. We were taught morality. [...] Nobody was worried about those guns being on the school campuses. Today we have moral pygmies killing each other over tennis shoes!

This erosion has to do with the fact that we have simply eroded our Christian standards. As that has happened, we have increased violence in the schools. We have violence in society. We see society falling apart. What I can't understand is why people who are non-Christians cannot recognize the connection.

Rafael Cruz: What has happened is this so-called religion of Secular Humanism started as far back as 1933. There as a document printed in America in 1933 called the Humanist Manifesto. One of the principle authors was John Dewey who was considered the Father of American Education. He was also a member of the American Communist Party. He was our so-called top educator! Then in 1962, prayer is removed from school and in 1963 the Bible is removed from schools. The consequence of those two abominable decisions of the Supreme Court was that teen pregnancy skyrocketed over 500%, and so did violent crime.


Dr. Reagan: [...] One of the Supreme Court decisions the just infuriates me is when they threw the Ten Commandments out and ruled that schools cannot even the Ten Commandments posted on the walls of the schools in America. They said the reason is because the children might read the Ten Commandments and decide to obey them. They actual said that in the decision!


Rafael Cruz: The thing that amazes me is that if these Atheist really don't believe in God, why are they so afraid of the cross? Why are they so afraid of the Ten Commandments? [...] There is power in the cross, and they know it.

Dr. Reagan: It's really strange the way things have developed in this nation, a nation that was founded on Christian principles. America is a nation that has been blessed like no other nation since ancient Judah. And yet, we have turned our back on God. We are shaking our fist at God. I think we are just begging for the destruction of God.

Rafael Cruz: Absolutely! But, I am still very, very encouraged. I think America's best days are still ahead, because I believe there is a point when the people of God are finally going to say, "I can't take it anymore!" I think the decision on June 26, 2015, to legalize homosexual marriage, I think the Devil overplayed his hand there. Now, all of a sudden, we have a frontal attack on the family, and the family is the fundamental unit of society. It is the very first institution that God created. As the family goes, so goes the nation.

Dr. David R. Reagan #fundie #homophobia lamblion.us

The second clause in the First Amendment is now the center of controversy. It is usually referred to as "The Free Exercise Clause." It was designed to protect the right of people to practice their religion as they please.

Accordingly, it would seem reasonable that a conservative, Bible-believing Christian should be able to refuse to participate in any way in a same-sex marriage ceremony - whether as photographer, baker or wedding planner. Yet, that is exactly what the Gay Mafia is condemning in our nation today.

(When I used the term, Gay Mafia, I am referring to radical homosexual activists who are determined to cram their sexual perversion down the throats of everyone, and who are particularly incensed toward Christians who believe the homosexual lifestyle is a sin against God.)


My response to the Gay Mafia is this: If Bible-believing Christians should be forced to provide their services for same-sex marriages, then:

- Should a Jewish printer be forced to print anti-Semitic placards for a Skinhead organization?

- Should a Muslim or Jewish catering service be forced to supply pork chips for a catered event?

- Should businesses owned by Muslims, conservative Christians and Orthodox Jews be forced to supply abortion insurance for their employees?

- Should adoption agencies of any religion be forced to provide their services to homosexual couples?

- Should a Christian be forced to remove a cross lapel pin or necklace as a condition of employment?

- Should an Orthodox Jewish man be forced to remove his yarmulke as a condition of employment?

- Should a militant Atheist or devoted Humanist be forced to supply services to a Christian church?

- Should a member of a homosexual church who is a baker be forced to prepare a cake that contains a scripture condemning homosexuality?


Where should the line be drawn? The Religious Freedom Act of 1993 was meant to protect the free exercise of religion. It was passed overwhelmingly by the Congress and signed by President Bill Clinton. Twenty states have since passed similar laws. Those laws are not meant to harm anyone. Rather, they are designed to protect religious people from discrimination and persecution.

The current assault on these laws is a manifestation of the rapidly increasing secularization and paganization of our society. Once these laws are repealed, the next step will be to demand that religious organizations like churches and ministries be restricted from abiding by their creedal statements, putting them in a position where they will be forced to hire homosexuals.

And then, of course, there are the unconstitutional "hate laws" which the Gay Mafia will insist be applied to beliefs and words instead of just actions. And if you think that is unthinkable, then think again. What if you had been told 20 years ago that within the next few years same-sex marriage would be approved by states and would even be endorsed by churches - would you have believed it? Our society is on a fast train to Sodom.


What is particularly appalling to me is the way in which several liberal denominations have rushed to accommodate the demands of a pagan society to ordain homosexuals and to approve same-sex marriage. Do the leaders of these churches really believe that God is going to bless what He has condemned?


Will Christians take a stand in this country, or will we allow the Pagans and Humanists to run over us?

Anne Graham Lotz #fundie lamblion.us

While this [the Rapture] will be deliverance for His people, can you imagine the impact on our nation, let alone the world, when suddenly every single authentic Christian disappears?

Institutions will collapse. Banks will close. The Stock Market will plunge. Planes will fall out of the sky. Cars will crash on the road. Government in America at every level will disintegrate. Families will be torn apart. In the unprecedented turmoil, our nation will be vulnerable for our enemies to seize the moment and attack us. There will be mass chaos, confusion, fear, grief, despair, anger, threats, danger... judgment.

Dr. David R. Reagan #fundie #homophobia lamblion.us

When homosexuals decided they wanted scouting organizations that affirmed their lifestyle, why didn't they form their own organizations for boys and girls? Why did they decide to bring harassing law suits to try to force existing scouting groups to give in to their ungodly demands? The reason is simple: they wish to erase the Christian foundation of all such private organizations. What they are doing with Scouting is just a part of their overall assault on the Christian heritage of our nation.


I am literally appalled by the BSA's consideration of allowing homosexuals to serve as Scout leaders. Talk about letting the foxes in the hen house!

I know the danger first hand. In 1953 while I was en route to the Boy Scout Third National Jamboree in California, a homosexual Scout leader from Ft. Hood, Texas attempted to molest me. Court proceedings in recent years have revealed that the BSA has covered up many such molestations for years. I can only hope that if the BSA adopts Bill Gates' recommendation, the organization will be covered up with law suits by the parents of young men who end up being molested.

Dr. David R. Reagan and Franklin Graham #fundie #forced-birth #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia lamblion.us

Franklin Graham is not calling the pastors and evangelists of this nation to do something he is not willing to do himself. He has, in fact, become the model of a prophetic voice speaking out boldly against the sins of our nation. In the process he has taken the bull by the horns on many occasions. Consider his comments on the following social and moral issues:

Abortion - "There is no place for compromise on straightforward issues such as abortion... God has given us clear biblical direction that we must follow and obey... As a minister of the Lord Jesus Christ, I believe this is a nonnegotiable issue. Abortion is wrong. It is the murder of unborn children, and no law of the land and no party platform can ever legitimize it."

Gun Control - "The gun control proposals now circulating in Washington and in many state capitals don't address a more important issue - the constant strain of violence put forth by the entertainment industry [in movies, music and video games]. But the problem - the real crux of the issue - lies not in the instruments of violence used... The root of violence is in the evil and depraved heart of man."

Islam - "Islam is a religion of hatred. It's a religion of war." "For Muslims, peace comes only through supmission to Islam. When they speak of peace, they mean supmission to their religion... Worldwide, tens of thousands of men, women and children have been slaughtered in the name of Allah, under the bloody flag of Islam."

ISIS - "The evil of ISIS really shouldn't shock us - it is fully in keeping with their ultimate agenda of hastening a final apocalypse... One thing is for sure - one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

Hinduism - "No elephant with 100 arms can do anything for me. None of their 9,000 gods is going to lead me to salvation."

Same-Sex Marriage - "True followers of Jesus Christ... cannot endorse same-sex marriage, regardless of what our President, the Congress, the Supreme Court, the media or the latest Gallup poll says about the matter... This moral issue has been settled by God Himself and is not supject to man-made revisions or modifications. In the end, I would rather be on the wrong side of public opinion than on the wrong side of Almighty God who established the standard of living for the world He created."

Homosexuality - "The church is on dangerous ground when it departs from the teaching of Christ and attempts to redefine His commands and compromise His truth. There are many things in Scripture that Christians disagree on, but the Bible is crystal clear about the sanctity of life and marriage. It is also clear that homosexuality is spelled out as sin — there are not ifs, ands or buts."

Transgender Restrooms - "[The idea] is not only ridiculous, it's unsafe. Common sense tells us that this would open the door, literally, to all sorts of serious concerns, including giving sexual predators access to children. It violates every sense of privacy and decency for people of both sexes, adults and children."

Secularism - "When the Berlin Wall came down, everybody said we had won... [but then] Secularism came. And Secularism and Communism are the same thing. They're godless. They're anti-Christ."

Christian Persecution - "Even in America there has recently grown an ugly, anti-Christian bias and intolerance that is changing our nation from the inside out, opening doors for all kinds of discrimination and loss of religious freedom that we hear about daily in the news."

Government - "We're living now in a time where we see the spirit of Antichrist is at the government level." "I have no confidence that any politician or any party is going to turn this country around. The only hope for this country is for men and women of God to take a stand."

Dr. David R. Reagan and Franklin Graham #fundie lamblion.us

Franklin [Graham] has just announced that he plans to take his message of repentance to the entire nation during 2016 by holding prayer rallies in every state in the union before the presidential election in November. He is calling it The Decision America Tour.

He says he plans to challenge Americans to:

1. Pray earnestly for the nation.
2. Live out their faith boldly.
3. Take a stand for righteousness.
4. Run for public office.
5. Get out to vote.
6. Be salt and light for the nation.

Here's how Franklin has summed up the overall purpose of the rallies:

"The only hope for this country is Almighty God and His Son. We can't sit idly by any longer. LGBT activists, abortion rights advocates, aggressive atheist groups, and others who ignore God's Word are trying to shove their agenda down our throats. We need to take every opportunity to speak up for biblical standards and let our lights shine. We need to work to preserve our religious freedoms so that we can continue to proclaim the Gospel freely. If we as Christians stand together and let our voice be heard, I believe God can use us to make a difference. I hope you will start praying with us now."

Dr. David R. Reagan #fundie lamblion.us

Christians in the United States have lived charmed lies for 350 years, from the establishment of the Jamestown colony in 1607 to the beginning of the decade in the 1960s. During those years, our nation's Christian heritage was recognized and respected.

But Christianity went on the defensive with the cultural revolution of the 1960s. And since Barack Obama's election in 2008, true Bible-believing Christians have become a persecuted sub-culture within American society.

Hatred toward Christianity in America today is blatant, crude and loud. Just type the word, Christian, into an Internet search engine and see the nature of the critical articles that appear. They are horrific in nature. Christianity is vilified as "what is wrong with America," and Christians are denounced as "intolerant bigots."


Increasingly, in our nation, it is going to be difficult to live a Christian life without experiencing some form of extreme persecution. Jobs will be lost. Businesses will be destroyed. In fact, the current anti-Christian wave of opinion is so strong, I would not be surprised to see "hate speech" criminalized so that those speaking out against sins like sexual perversion can be put in prison.