Clay Christensen, Rafael Cruz, Dr. David R. Reagan #fundie
[In response to a quote from Harvard professor Clay Christensen: "As religion loses its influence over the lives of Americans, what will happen to our democracy? Where are the institutions that are going to teach the next generation of Americans that they, too, need to voluntarily choose to obey the laws? Because if you take away religion, you can't hire enough police."]
Rafael Cruz: What happens is when you destroy, I would say Christianity more than religion, what takes its place is another religion which is called Secular Humanism. Secular Humanism basically says there is no God, for you are your own God. On that premise there are no moral absolutes. As a matter of fact, their mantra is, "If it feels good, do it." Secular Humanism embraces a lot of chaos, a lot of immorality, and a lot of corruption. It causes a situation that deteriorates more and more and more. That's exactly what we see happening in America today.
Dr. Reagan: You are of the age where we have witnessed in our lifetime the deterioration of America. When I was a kid growing up, we did Bible readings in school. We prayed in school. Our English Reader was made up of Bible stories. We were taught morality. [...] Nobody was worried about those guns being on the school campuses. Today we have moral pygmies killing each other over tennis shoes!
This erosion has to do with the fact that we have simply eroded our Christian standards. As that has happened, we have increased violence in the schools. We have violence in society. We see society falling apart. What I can't understand is why people who are non-Christians cannot recognize the connection.
Rafael Cruz: What has happened is this so-called religion of Secular Humanism started as far back as 1933. There as a document printed in America in 1933 called the Humanist Manifesto. One of the principle authors was John Dewey who was considered the Father of American Education. He was also a member of the American Communist Party. He was our so-called top educator! Then in 1962, prayer is removed from school and in 1963 the Bible is removed from schools. The consequence of those two abominable decisions of the Supreme Court was that teen pregnancy skyrocketed over 500%, and so did violent crime.
Dr. Reagan: [...] One of the Supreme Court decisions the just infuriates me is when they threw the Ten Commandments out and ruled that schools cannot even the Ten Commandments posted on the walls of the schools in America. They said the reason is because the children might read the Ten Commandments and decide to obey them. They actual said that in the decision!
Rafael Cruz: The thing that amazes me is that if these Atheist really don't believe in God, why are they so afraid of the cross? Why are they so afraid of the Ten Commandments? [...] There is power in the cross, and they know it.
Dr. Reagan: It's really strange the way things have developed in this nation, a nation that was founded on Christian principles. America is a nation that has been blessed like no other nation since ancient Judah. And yet, we have turned our back on God. We are shaking our fist at God. I think we are just begging for the destruction of God.
Rafael Cruz: Absolutely! But, I am still very, very encouraged. I think America's best days are still ahead, because I believe there is a point when the people of God are finally going to say, "I can't take it anymore!" I think the decision on June 26, 2015, to legalize homosexual marriage, I think the Devil overplayed his hand there. Now, all of a sudden, we have a frontal attack on the family, and the family is the fundamental unit of society. It is the very first institution that God created. As the family goes, so goes the nation.