Yeah, the issue is that Obama has faggotized the damned armed forces.
Yup. Letting everyone serve openly and honestly...a travesty, I tells ya.
The Marine Corps, The Air Force, etc., no longer exist as they did.
As in a place where if you're caught holding hands with a man off base, and your job could be at risk? A place where you can blackmail someone with "well I'll just say you made a pass at me?" No, no it is not.
They now WELCOME degeneracy and perversion.
No, they WELCOME anyone willing to serve their country, regardless of who they are attracted to.
I have no respect for anyone who has joined up from this year forward.
Yeah, because who cares if you're putting your life on the line in service of your county, you're doing it with FAGGOTS! So much for "honor your troops." Such a nice fair-weather patriot.
And this cowardly, scumbag Marine can go straight to hell where he belongs.
Yes, "cowardly" is what I would call someone breaking rank and saying that letting gays serve openly will not cause the armed forces to implode. Just as I would call you "intelligent," or "insightful."
It is opposite day today, right?