Claim made:
"humans do have blind spots."
No, they don't. You don't see a black dot because of your optical nerve. You have no blind spot.
Gee, thanks for telling me. I was listening to those stupid biologists and doctors, but now that a great expert on human eye structure like NephilimFree has straightened me out, I know the truth. [/sarcasm]
Yes, there is a blind spot, and there are exercises that will demonstrate it. You don't see a black spot because the brain extrapolates the contents of the spot based on what's around it, but anything smaller than the blind spot will not show up.
Except, you know, WE CAN SEE IT.
Sheesh, even when you put evidence inside their own eyes, they ignore it.
Draw a small cross (you are a christian after all) on a piece of paper. Then draw another one a few centimeters next to that one. Cover one eye (the one on the right IIRC) and hold the paper close to your face. Keep looking at the left spot while moving the paper farther away. The right cross will dissapear at a certain distance. Congratulations, you've got a blind spot.
Also: you don't see a dark spot because the spot is, well, blind. To see something black there the brain needs visual input from that area saying that it is black. It doesn't get that data so you don't see a black spot. As said before, the place is filled in with info from neighboring areas.
Not only do you have a blind spot, you have blood vessels running all over the surface of your retina too.
You don't see them because your brain 'paints them out' for you, but if someone shines a point light through the sclera (white) of the eye they will cast an unexpected shadow and you will become aware of them. In less than a minute, however, your brain adapts to the new signal and they will appear to fade from view. Take the light away and the effect happens in reverse.
Of course this effect is only needed because the eye is built the stupid way round in the first place! Gosh, it's almost like it were the result of trail and error; nothing like how an intelligent designer would do it for his 'special project'!
Unless you have compound eyes, Neph, you have a blind spot too.
Of course, you'd probably attribute proof of it (via NotMe's method) to 'demons' or 'witchcraft.'
How dumb does Neph think the world is? I mean, it's so obvious that we don't see a black dot, so he MUST have known that wasn't what was meant.
What, did he think everyone would respond with: "Oh my god, he's right!! I'm not seeing a black spot! I only now noticed that!" ?
No, they don't.”
They surely do. Are you under some sort of confusion about what the blind spot is?
“You don't see a black dot because of your optical nerve.”
No, and absolutely NO ONE says that that’s how the blind spot appears. Wow. You’re dumber than my last boss. And that’s saying something.
"You have no blind spot.”
Okay. SO, IIRC, i learned about the blind spot by an exercise in the kid’s section of the newspaper in about 1967.
Please explain why the offset dot became invisible if it wasn’t the effect of the blind spot.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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