One of my all-time favorite lies is that antibiotic resistance proves darwinism. This has been the one of the greatest fabrications of the 20th century. I have long questioned why, if antibiotic resistance proved Darwin's version of evolution, that science couldn't prove this same version with real animals........why is it that the proof is somewhere that 99.9% of the population can't see it?
I tell you what, supersport. If you can find an organism that lives, grows, breeds, and dies, thousands of times in a human lifetime, maybe we can use that to study evolution instead.
Oh wait! Drosophila melanogaster, the common fruit fly, does that! And weirdly enough people have been able to introduce reproductive isolation in Drosophila! Fancy that!
"One of my all-time favorite lies is that antibiotic resistance proves darwinism."
No, antibiotic resistance helps to prove the theory of evolution. There is no "darwinism."
"This has been the one of the greatest fabrications of the 20th century. I have long questioned why, if antibiotic resistance proved Darwin's version of evolution, that science couldn't prove this same version with real animals........"
It's because bacteria have a much faster reproduction cycle. Evolution can take many generations and bacteria can have many generations within an observable timeframe.
Fruit flies, a "real animal," are used in evolutionary biology for the same reason.
"why is it that the proof is somewhere that 99.9% of the population can't see it?"
You could see it if you would take a biology class. You can see pictures of it and documentation about it just by reading credible science books and journals. You know, SS, being an informed person sometimes takes a wee bit of effort.
PSSST, Super Sport, over here... 99.9% of the population do get to see it...SHHHHH.... They're hiding it from you, cause they don't like you.... SHHH you can fool them though and get to see it...SHHH I'll tell you how to beat them and get to see it... See you go into a library and ...look in the section called biology....and pull down a book and you read it! SHHH don't tell anyone!
I have long questioned why, if antibiotic resistance proved Darwin's version of evolution, that science couldn't prove this same version with real animals.
(a) real (visible) animals don't reproduce every 20 minutes.
(b) there is a visible example. See Ensatina Ring Species
I mean, when you see that you may die from a simple infection because antibiotics, INDEED, are being abused and the virus are mutating, you´ll see what we mean. That´s the charm of science. We don´t need dogmas and burning people. That´s what 99.9% of the people see, because they´re not ignorant and proud of. It´s you who have the problem, dear.
Because most evolution doesn't happen fast enough for humans to see it happen right before their eyes. But you CAN see viruses and such change into entirely new things by mutating, just like evolution on a grander scale. You can see evolution all around you--it just happens very slowly in most cases.
Stuporspurt, you believe you have a brain, a functionion brain. I have seen no evidence to support this claim. Has anyone ever seen stuporspurt's brain? Any evidence that he has a functioning brain?
Hmmm jury's in, fuckwit.
supersport - You, sir or madam, are as thick as pig shit (and probably as smelly). Try opening a book someday (other than the Wholly Babble, that is).
Glazius: The fruit fly experiments don't work with morons like Supersport. They just yell "A MUTATED FRUIT FLY IS STILL A FRUIT FLY!" and then demand something like, say, a dog giving birth to a horse. Never mind that such a thing is NOT part of the ToE.
We have shown you, and other thick fundie fuckwits like yourself, plenty of evidence of evolution occuring right now.
The problem is, you'll usually spout off about it being evidence of microevolution, without making the connection that what you call macroevolution is simply millions of years of microevolution.
That's what happens when you take the word or ignorant bronze-age misogynists as your only scientific information.
Well let's see, it does prove evolution, bacteria have short life spans and can have millions of off-spring, which helps them evolve faster, there, 7th grade life science.
Actually, antibacterial resistance is not actually evidence for Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection. It is only an observed incidence of the fact of evolution.
The same situation could arise from any form of evolution, such as Lamarckian evolution.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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