That's nice and all, but if the hydrothermal vents of a continuously cooling planet are the source of first life, the sun has fuck all do with it aside from life adapting to take advantage of that energy source when it began to reach the upper levels of ocean. But that's not to negate the sun. The hand-wavy bullshit is just that. As the first comment above points out, whining about the sun is a lot like saying that since fire can burn food to a char, a meal can't be properly cooked, a slow simmer is unobtainable.
Nevermind that this muddled thinking is a solid misunderstanding of what the beginnings of life would entail as well as what the second law actually means. A slow cook of energy is driving the replicating chemical reactions that would later become, as in millions and millions of years later, something that we would recognize or more correctly categorize as life.
And as usual, due to having one's mind fucked with by shitty apologists and believing they are teaching you something rather than cracking open an actual textbook and learning something other than excuses to keep believing in supernatural nonsense, you'd understand that as long as you have a extremely long-term continuous energy source, like the sun or hydrothermal vents, there's nothing in the second law that says local entropy (another word usually misunderstood by a shitty mis-education through apologetics) can't decrease, which means there's nothing that stands in the way of increasing complexity.
Maybe that's why all the mathematicians and scientists in the world that work with this shit everyday aren't constantly going, OMFG, the religious apologists are right, what have we been thinking with our actual training in math and science, producing work that actually does shit in the real world decade after decade after decade after decade. And fucking so on.
(yeah, the last two were were complete run-ons, but fuck it, I don't care)
lol, I just realized this quote is just over three years old. And Josh Earl was commenting on a Hovind Dissertation thread that was already over four years old.