There will NEVER be a full on Nuclear exchange. The Watchers will not allow it and have already prevented numerous attempts.
To summarize the documentary, hundreds of nuclear mussels, ICBM's, minute man silos, and plutonium facilities have been systematically monitored and disabled by highly advanced space vehicles for over 60 years now.
The documentary is based on government reports and official affidavits from multiple different nations.
Apparently a noninterference policy on part of the Watchers has allowed numerous tests, they always prevent an actual exchange. And will not allow an exchange in the future. Don't flatter yourselves though, they are only protecting the earth, not humanity.
Don't let the CIA fear mongering about North Korean Nunez frighten you. It will Never happen as the video will clearly show. If there is an alleged "EMP" that knocks out the grid, understand right now that it was only the establishment Deep State flipping a switch and turning the power off.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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