Gee I guess bill gates isn't so good either. wait a minute isn't he an atheist? Be careful about your precious atheist Bill Gates, who the media deems just so wonderful because he just has so much money. He is an elitist and globalist.NO Bill has no faith in GOD, just zip, but a LOT of faith in his billionaire friends who have hoodwinked him, hook, line, and sinker.
What a great humanitarian. (rolling eyes)
These vaccines are life threatening and the true killer. The goal is literally depopulation and mass genocide. Don't kid yourselves believing that "they" would never do something like that or that this is just another "outrageous conspiracy theory" (to quote G.W. Bush). Psychopaths in power, blinded by greed and control do NOT think or feel like I or you do, not even close. Too often people project their own ideas, emotions, assumptions and beliefs into people/politicians in high places of power who do not posses any conscience whatsoever, but literally see the masses as a herd of sheep to be used to serve them and sadly most of the time the masses act like a herd that follows the leaders blindly....even over the cliff. Right now a reduction of the population by over 50% (some sources say 80 - 90%) is high on the agenda. Well, it always has been as the ones who have followed this know, but now it is becoming closer to being implemented. But don't believe me, look into it yourself. Knowledge protects, Ignorance endangers. "
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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