Is it possible for me to be more right about this? When will you evos ever learn to not doubt me?....I am wiser than all you people combined
No no no you're supposed to say it like this: "Doubt me, you evos will learn not, all you people combined, I am wiser than."
Theoretically, it is possible for you to be more right, but sadly, it's not likely this will ever happen.
Bow down before the Divine Quartet!
God the Father.
God the Son
God the Holy Spirit
and God the supersport.
Smitings and gnashing of teeth sold seperately.
Yes, O Holy supersport.
And Stuporsquirt demonstrates the Krüger-Dunning Effect in spectacular style ...
Cue this:
@"Stuporsquirt the Deluded"
You lot just wouldn't understand. My arguments far too complecs for an evo to understand ..You need to open your mind to the truth of creationism.
This from the individual who gave us "butterfly wombs". And who cannot spell "complex" correctly.
A word in your ear Stuporsquirt ...
Creationism was abandoned by scientists because [1] it isn't a scientific theory, it's a pile of myth based upon the words of a 3,000 year old book written by people who did not even know of the existence of the continental land mass upon which you are now residing , and [2] it was flatly contradicted by observational reality . But then observational reality is something that no creationist can ever dare to even acknowledge the existence of, because it flushes creationist eructations down the toilet of failed ideas where they belong. Which is why creationists are in denial of reality , because reality says you are wrong . Reality says that your ideas are fuckwitted garbage. Reality says that people like you, with your combination of galactic hubris, even more galactic incompetence, complete inability to separate fact from fantasy and myth, and rampant mendacity with respect to the usual rules of discourse, are beneath deserving of a point of view . Reality says that you and other inbred hick tards like you do not even rise to the level of adequacy required to challenge prokaryotic single-celled life forms in the IQ stakes. You, Stuporsquirt, are a loser, a failure, ignorant, deluded to the point of being a clinically pathological case, and not worth the rest of us crossing the road to urinate upon you if you are on fire. Now do humanity a favour and remove yourself from the gene pool ... preferably by whatever means is required to win yourself a Darwin award, because that would be poetic justice for a shithead like you. And yes, I'm being abusive because it's all you deserve.
There was some study done at a university somewhere, where they discovered that the more ignorant somebody is, the less ignorant he THINKS he is.
I wonder if supersport was one of their test subjects....
Supersport has officially ascended from severe delusions to full-on god complex.
I recommend long-term psychiatric care. And remedial English, to help with his abysmal - er, "wise" - spelling and grammar.
Nah, this isn't funny OR Fundie, this is genuine mental illness. Sure it's hard to tell sometimes, but Fundie is the logical conclusion of their irrational belief system. This is unrelated to the bible or any religious teaching, this is megalomania.
It's sad.
"Is it possible for me to be more right about this?"
Absolutely. It really, really, really, really, really, really, really, is.
You are not that special. We don't doubt you particularly, we doubt anything and everything until we have seen evidence for it. Tangible, provable, evidence.
We don't seek absolute truths, because there are none.
@ tracer
"the more ignorant somebody is, the less ignorant he THINKS he is"
As we can see evidence of in the OP.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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