[From Patrick Henry College's Faith and Reason Lecture - attendance compulsory - on the war against Christianity]
Since the inception of their Revolution—and well beneath the media radar screen—militants have been creating a panoply of new crimes and expanded redefinitions of existing crimes—all involving sexual relations. While it is very likely that the Sexual Revolution has also increased incidences of real sex crimes, the new gender crimes are very different: They play on the fear of sex crimes, but they redefine these politically to include not simply acts but heterodox political beliefs. The reality of the witch hunts thus bears no necessary relation to what is suggested by the inflammatory language and jargon:
?“rape” that includes consensual relations and in most instances is no more than that;
?domestic “violence” that involves no violence or any physical contact or threat of it;
?sexual “harassment” that can mean anything from simple flirtation to unauthorized opinions about morality or politics;
?“child abuse” that is routine parental discipline, or homeschooling, or concocted altogether to win advantage in divorce court;
?“bullying” that involves criticism of the homosexual agenda or other differences of belief and opinion;
?“stalking” that is forcibly divorced fathers trying to see their own children;
And much more.
?“rape” that includes consensual relations and in most instances is no more than that;
?domestic “violence” that involves no violence or any physical contact or threat of it;
That is such obvious nonsense that I can't be bothered to read the rest of your claptrap.
"sexual “harassment” that can mean anything from simple flirtation to unauthorized opinions about morality or politics;"
Paranoid much? Or, did you mean, "unsolicited?"
You use big words but you make little sense. You also seem to be a master of propagandistic rhetoric. Next time I start a revolution by creating a heterodox panoply at a witch hunt, I'll authorize you to voice your opinion about the gay agenda. Until then, STFU you boorish shithouse rat.
If this is an example of Christianity's defenders, then the sooner it's obliterated, the better.
Do atheism a favor, Stephen: keep talking.
"?“rape” that includes consensual relations and in most instances is no more than that"
Um. No. Rape is NON consentual sex. When the word no is said, or the victim is unconscious or for any other reason can not consent that is rape.
OK, SB, we need to go easy on rape, domestic violence, sexual harassment, child abuse, bullying and stalking? So we need to protect Christians because they're rapists, violent to their spouses, sexual predators, child abusers, bullies and stalkers? What a pleasant picture you paint.
Patriarchy is enough for the fundies to cope with without loading the obsessions of MRA on top.
"Rape, domestic violence, sexual harassment, child abuse, bullying and stalking, all in favour say aye!".
"The Ayes have it". Proof positive gentlemen that we fully deserve our privileged status.
Coming soon to a democracy near you, an earth-shattering show of hands in support of murder, theft, torture, blackmailing, bigotry, persecution and profiteering as the honest workaday tools of the privileged white male, so that's alright then. Don't miss the thrilling conclusion.
> “rape” that includes consensual relations and in most instances is no more than that
Drunk? Threatened? Too young to understand? None of the above? You haven't given me enough information to understand your position here: a lot of people are assuming the worst.
> domestic “violence” that involves no violence or any physical contact or threat of it
The problem is, most people don't want to know the specifics. Beating or brainwashing; just because it might not fit a pedantic definition of violence doesn't make it okay.
> sexual “harassment” that can mean anything from simple flirtation to unauthorized opinions about morality or politics
The rule is to not be persistent. Stop means to not continue. I'm confused about the second part, so I'll wager a guess: the problem isn't the opinion, it's that you won't stop talking about it.
> “child abuse” that is routine parental discipline, or homeschooling, or concocted altogether to win advantage in divorce court
Is it dangerous and/or ineffective? Then it's not discipline. I agree with you that people lie in court and that there is a bad backlash against homeschooling and fairly normal punishment because some people take it WAY too far (spanking is okay as a last resort, but be wary of that line between you and this sicko ).
> “bullying” that involves criticism of the homosexual agenda or other differences of belief and opinion
It's like with flirting: if the receiver can't get a moment's peace, you've crossed the line between expression and harassment. And if your talking about gay bashings with egged cars and TPed houses, that's not criticism any more than a concussion is punishment.
> “stalking” that is forcibly divorced fathers trying to see their own children;
Depends on who did the forcing. If it's the wife, then I take issue with your implying that the wife shouldn't be allowed to divorce her husband, but I do think he should be able to see his kids; it's time for him to take her to family court. If it's the courts that did the forcing, then they probably have a good reason to keep him away from the kids.
?“rape” that includes consensual relations and in most instances is no more than that;
The only case where I can see rape as including "consensual" relations is "statutory rape", and this concept describes cases where the victim wasn't able to have a fully free consent (minor, mental disability)
?“bullying” that involves criticism of the homosexual agenda or other differences of belief and opinion;
"Bullying" describes repeated acts aiming to terrorize another person; if, by "criticism of the homosexual agenda or other differences of belief and opinion" you means pushing a person to suicide because he was homosexual or of another faith then you should met John Ragan (R-TN) and get ropes.
- If it is consensual, it isn't rape. If it isn't consensual, it is rape. No matter what.
- Not all violence leaves physical scars, verbal abuse can be just as, if not even more, harmful.
- You wouldn't like it if random people on the street started insisting that you have to have sex with them.
- There is a difference between "applying discipline" and "causing harm." One can be done through a variety of means that don't involve scarring another for life, and the other is outright abuse.
- The world is changing, and yet you teach your children to hurt and abuse those who aren't stuck in the world of about a hundred years ago. Also, see my second point.
- Try to imagine a life where every step you take is carefully watched by someone waiting, hoping you trip so they can strike you where it hurts the most. That, my dear "friend," is what being stalked is like.
As I've mentioned before, fundamentalist Christianity is a haven for abusive men.
The women and children are to obey ANY edict and never to speak against the man. Religious beliefs like that have been used in court as their defense against incest, abuse and outright murder, Some churchs defend these monsters.
Baskerville's little piece here is that defense, that sick fundamentalist premise that a man OWNS his wife and children and the law cannot usurp that. Their pastors might as well do the services in the wife-beater shirt and bitch about his wife and kids in every sermon.
"Fucking Eve, Eh? Am I right guys?"
I can think of one new crime that the Sexual Revolution either created or influenced: rape within marriages. And that's a Good Thing, before that law, it was allowed to force your wife or husband to have sex.
New gender crimes? Raping a man is just as illegal as raping a woman. Domestic violence is also just as illegal when the aggressor is a man as when it is a woman.
Rape is the opposite of consensual sex, stupid. If he/she/they don’t say “Yes”, it’s a rape.
Domestic violence can also be psychological.
All unwanted sexual acts (that is not completed rapes) are sexual harassment. Flirtation is a mutual thing; if the other person is unwilling or scared, it becomes harassment if it doesn't stop.
Child abuse is hitting or harming a child, physically or psychologically.
Bullying is physical or psychological attacks of a repetitive nature. Each instance can be fairly insignificant, but it’s the repetition and the fearful anticipation of The Next Time, that is hardest with bullying.
Stalking is following someone that does not want to be followed. The forcibly divorced father has often committed some child abuse, sexual harassment, rape or domestic violence towards the ex-wife or children. He has then forfeited all rights to see the ex-wife and children on his terms.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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