Stephen Baskerville #fundie

[From Patrick Henry College's Faith and Reason Lecture - attendance compulsory - on the war against Christianity]

Since the inception of their Revolution—and well beneath the media radar screen—militants have been creating a panoply of new crimes and expanded redefinitions of existing crimes—all involving sexual relations. While it is very likely that the Sexual Revolution has also increased incidences of real sex crimes, the new gender crimes are very different: They play on the fear of sex crimes, but they redefine these politically to include not simply acts but heterodox political beliefs. The reality of the witch hunts thus bears no necessary relation to what is suggested by the inflammatory language and jargon:
?“rape” that includes consensual relations and in most instances is no more than that;
?domestic “violence” that involves no violence or any physical contact or threat of it;
?sexual “harassment” that can mean anything from simple flirtation to unauthorized opinions about morality or politics;
?“child abuse” that is routine parental discipline, or homeschooling, or concocted altogether to win advantage in divorce court;
?“bullying” that involves criticism of the homosexual agenda or other differences of belief and opinion;
?“stalking” that is forcibly divorced fathers trying to see their own children;

And much more.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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