If the Lord tarries His return, parents of the future will become mere incubators, producing servants of the State. Traditional families will become a thing of the past, and already today is is happening to a large extent. China's one-child policy began as a simple tax, and escalated into a crime punishable by forced abortion, sterilization, imprisonment, fines, and infanticide. The insane environmental agenda will be used to tax Americans for having too many children, which will eventually bring China's cruel tyranny and oppression to the United States. Mark my words.
I know my opinions are not very popular in today's apostate world, but they are Biblical. Feminism was spawned by Communism. Do a web search under “Feminism Communism” and see all the articles that come up. Feminism is destroying America, deceiving women to kill, steal, and destroy in the name of liberation and women's rights.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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