David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

Feminism is a two-headed monster! The feminist movement is the brainchild of Communism, as is the homosexual movement and the civil rights movement. These "rights" groups have done exceedingly much to undermine America's moral integrity. After Martin Luther King Jr.'s death, his wife Coretta spent the remaining years of her life promoting homosexual rights. So much for their alleged Christian roots. Martin Luther King Jr. denied the deity of Jesus Christ, lived as a whoremonger, and was involved in at least 64 Communist fronts. Please read my recent article on The Dangers of Feminism, which addresses the Feminist/Communist connection. You may also want to read Feminist Theology, which is a clear indicator of just how insane feminism has become. Feminists hate the man's authority so much that they have even redefined God to include a feminine side (which is damnable heresy).

The entire American court system today is feminist biased. It is wicked in the sight of God that the American court system REFUSES to recognize a husband's Biblical RIGHT to "rule" over his wife (Genesis 3:16). Every husband has a God-given right to RULE over his wife. Yes, that means he has a right to track her time, and her friends, and her whereabouts, and her spending. A feminist loathes the thought of being accountable to a man. Feminist logic dictates that a wife is EQUAL in authority with her husband; but God says NO! A wife is commanded by God to OBEY her husband, just as Sara Obeyed Abraham, calling him lord. 1st Peter 3:6 states, "Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord..." There are victimized husbands all across America, who's rebellious wives divorced them, and now those poor men have to pay alimony. It is a sore evil in America when a wife can rebel against her husband year after year in a marriage, and then punish the husband further by taking him before a heathen judge to FORCE him to support her. Why should a husband have to support a lazy, irresponsible, and rebellious wife? Husbands have few rights in the American court system. If a man's wife decides not to obey him anymore--there is nothing he can do about it! This is horribly wrong. A rebellious wife needs to be punished by the courts, not rewarded.

Divorce is an evil sin, and God hates it (Malachi 2:16). Rebellious wives ought to be locked up in prison, not given alimony. No psychiatrist will ever diagnosis a wife as being "rebellious" against God or her husband. We live in a rebellious world (Ephesians 2:2; 1st John 5:19). Every day, millions of people are misdiagnosed. Drunks are said to be "sick." Rebellious wives are said to be "depressed." Homosexuality is called "genetic." Gambling is considered an "addiction." At what point does personal responsibility and character come into the picture? Much of what the feminist movement defines as "abuse" nowadays is perfectly acceptable behavior for a Biblical husband. For example: feminists teach women that it is abusive for a husband to track his wife's time. Not at all! Every husband has a right to know where his wife is at at any given time. The responsible working father and husband is under severe attack in America. Even "Christian" wives have been brainwashed by lying demonic feminist propaganda. "Christian" women are increasingly divorcing their husbands. Divorce is a horrible sin, and there are NO grounds for a divorce. Proverb 31:12 ought to be every Christian wife's life verse ... "She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life."



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