Hussein Obama won????!!!!!!!!!! Will America as we know it be DESTROYED with COMMUNISM?
Hussein Obama's economic polices will DESTROY America. This is not Canada or western Europe. America has always been about freedom and democracy. Now Hussein wants to STEAL money from hardworking people and give it to lazy poor people that don't take care of themselves.
Wake up, America. By voting for Hussein Obama we could all DIE.
Hussein Obama may let Iran develop NUCLEAR weapons. Iran wants to attack Israel. We could get dragged into NUCLEAR war and BILLIONS may die because of this.
Hussein Obama is going to CRIPPLE the economy. The best way to grow the economy is to give tax breaks to rich people because they will then decide to give raises to low level employees and they will also invest more money and this will lead to more job openings.
As Sarah Palin said, this is NO time to EXPERIMENT with SOCIALISM. Communist Russia tried SOCIALISM under murderer Joseph Stalin and it didn't work.
Do you think America as we know it will be undone?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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