jmverville #homophobia
People dislike homosexuality because it is disgusting to most people. It takes a very normal and natural desire and warps it into something odd.
It's simply disgusting.
Of course, I do not have to do it, but it is still something that I certainly do not respect.
More on that, there are a lot of super femmed out homosexuals or super masculine lesbians and basically... It is bending our genders. It makes me feel like "wow, you are an annoying twit!" "You're a waste of flesh and bone, you are a waste of life's blood; you will never know any form of love that is not warped nor will you ever even contribute to society through reproduction."
OK, kind of extreme, but there you have it.
I do not even think the Bible has to come into this.
Homosexuality is just repugnant.