David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
What is an agenda? An “agenda” is something that didn't just happen, it was made to happen. Homosexuality didn't just happen in America. Our society didn't just decide one day that God created Adam and Steve, instead of Adam and Eve. Abortion didn't just happen because a women named “Jane Doe” wanted to murder her baby. Feminism didn't just happen, indoctrinating women to ruin their marriages, kill their babies, and pursue a career working as a man. These are evil Communist agendas that were MADE to happen.
What is Communism? In its simplest form, Communism is a vehicle created by Freemasons to achieve a New World Order. This was the same reason for the Nazi Movement, started by Karl Ritter. BOTH Communism and Nazism have the same goal—world domination and the enslavement of humanity. Since Satan failed to unite humanity against God at the tower of Babel in Genesis 11, he has desperately tried to unite men ever since segregated humanity (Genesis 11:6-8); by breaking down all barriers of race, language, culture, religion, and location. This is why we have open borders, the ecumenical religious movement, outsourcing jobs to foreign slave labor, hundreds of corrupt Bibles; it's all intended to destabilize society. One cannot possibly fathom the broadness of the attack against America.
Communism is the opposite of Capitalism. In Capitalism, a man keeps what he earns, in a free market society. In Communism, the government takes from the haves and gives to the have nots. Communism always ultimately fails, because when free market is suppressed, so is personal work ethic and individual ambition. Someone has to pay the bills.
But a more sinister purpose behind Communism is the moral decay and subversion of society through government supported immoral agendas, lewd and violent TV programming, welfare and section-8 housing for divorcees, banking and real estate fraud, the lies of evolution in public schools, the newsmedia brainwashing of society, et cetera; with the ultimate goal of destroying the family unit, thus enabling the take over of society by criminals. Their intent is to achieve a unified global government, all under the dictatorship of a global ruling elite group (The Council On Foreign Relations). Through the agendas of feminism, abortion, divorce, homosexuality, 501c3 tax-exempt charities, liberal religion, and many others, America is being completely devastated. God is an authoritative God; but He's not a thug Communist.