meteors are composed of ice and solid particles which means that the explanation that God created life out of water is much more plausible than the "big bang" coming from heat when the temperatures are way below zero up in space.
Small experiment. Go into a room that's being kept below zero degrees Celsius and place a bowl of water inside. Place a heater (Or just shut the cooling mechanism down) inside and wait until the temperature is about 20 degrees. Now remove the heater (or restart the cooling device). Does the water freeze? Congratulations, we have just proven that a temporary rise in temperature can be negated over time when all (or most of) the original circumstances return.
Carico, if you were any dumber we'd need to water you once a week.
We understand that "creation science" encompasses everything, but real science doesn't work that way.
Try separating astrophysics, cosmology, biology, and evolution and then study them individually. It'll be much easier.
I can even recommend a couple of good coloring books for you.
Meteors are not composed of ice, to begin with. Second, wouldn´t it be more logic to asume that the Hebrews took the idea from Egypt, WHO WERE WELL AWARE OF THE ROLE OF WATER IN THE EMERGENCE OF LIFE?
"Meteors (or comets, whatev) are made of ice and dirt, therefore God created the universe!"
To be completely honest, though, I'm not really sold on the big bang theory. I mean, I suppose it is possible that a chain reaction between matter and antimatter (or whatever was supposed to set off the big bang - I admit I don't know a lot about the theory) set our universe into motion, but I wouldn't go around parading it as fact. For all I know a God (or some other being of great power) actually did create the universe. There just isn't enough evidence either way.
I suppose this technically makes me an agnostic rather than an atheist, though I don't actively believe there is a god influencing everything (or indeed anything at all). Plus I'm really not comfortable calling myself an agnostic, since it implies (in American culture, at least) that I'm on the fence about Christianity, when in fact I believe that Christianity is pure horseshit. If I had to pick a religion to even be on the fence about it would definitely be Buddhism; Buddhism at least encourages its followers to accept all living beings as equals and to live a pure life so you can be reinicarnated and eventually reach Nirvana. I'll take "be excellent to each other" over "just believe in Jesus and you can do whatever the fuck you want" any time. And I have to admit that the thought of being reincarnated when I die is comforting, which I suppose is the point of religion in the first place.
Carico, meet Ignorance. Ignorance, this is Carico. What's that? You're old friends? Wow, amazing! The world is such a small place.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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