(If he didn't want sin to exist, then the existence of sin is not in accordance with his will. Therefore, he's incompetent.)
Oroci_Iori: That doesn't prove incompetence. Because sin does exist, God is using the evil of man for his purpose. This is how he brought Jesus to the Cross.
(Okay. And if God wants to fulfill his purpose, and needs evil to do it, then God wills evil to fulfill his purpose. Therefore, God willed the Holocaust to fulfill his purpose. Hence, God is evil.)
Am: NO! He allows evil to play out in granting free will. Satan brought the sin and evil in. The whole bible and coming of Jesus was a work of preparation in God reconciling humanity back to Himself, while working with the free will of created beings.
But if satan brought the sin and evil and god created everything(which would have to include satan), then god is letting satan do evil. That either means god doesn't care or he is unable to stop it.(if I was in that forum I'd probably get a retarded explanation about how I'm wrong because I just am)
God must be the framework of every politician. He never gets blamed for anything yet expects all the credit. God made everything! He’s awesome!>>well, then didn’t he invent evil?<<NO! of course not. That was satan.>>But, god made satan, he was an angel<<I pity you and your hatred for god.>>It’s what your own book says!<<God hater.And then of course the “evil has to exist for the sake of good” bullshit argument. “If there were no evil then we couldn’t appreciate good!”More impotence from god. He can create the universe and everything in it, but he can’t find a way that people aren’t raped, tortured, and executed, and one that doesn’t have a smoking pit of hell for those who break misdemeanor rules.
I still think that roaring from the skies is a much more effective way to convince humanity that God is alive and well and wants us to follow him.
And, by the way, this God is weak
Where in the Bible does it say Satan brought evil in? And where does it say, outside the unscriptural ramblings of Paul, that Satan brought sin in? Killing millions of people in tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes and volcanic eruptions doesn't involve free will.
God created evil. Evil is unnecessary. Therefore, God created evil while he didn't need to. Therefore, God is, at least, not benevolent.
Where did Satan come from? Where did the evil that Satan supposedly took up come from?
It all comes back to God, where everything came from. I'm sorry, but you aren't going to solve the evil question any more than people before you have.
Satan brought evil into the world? The Old Testament has a passage in which God says that all things, good and evil, come from Him. And in the Old Testament, Lucifer (whom you no doubt equate with Satan) was God's bad boy. Worked for God. God sent him a'smiting. Somethings wrong here...
I've never truly understood the "Free Will, but don't use it" thing. If he gave us free will, he understands we're going to screw up. So taking the ultimate stance on that makes him a sadist. Either that, or he's a lot more laid back than the Fundies believe him to be. I mean it seems a lot like handing a 5-year old a toy, demanding he hold it in his hands at all times, but spanking him if he should play with it. Make sense? Not to me.
Isiah 45:7:
"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things."
I emphasise "create evil "
God created evil. It says so in the Bible. Which you fundies MUST literally believe, word for word, letter for letter - with NO 'interpretation'; it HAS to be taken LITERALLY. Because it is the LITERAL word of God.
So if God created evil, then he ISN'T the God of love. Thus if he is the God of evil (as proved in the OT), he is a contradiction to himself, ergo he doesn't exist.
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?"
-Epicurus (Greek philosopher, 341-270 BCE)
And now you know why Atheism exists.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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