Oroci_Iori and Am #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

(If he didn't want sin to exist, then the existence of sin is not in accordance with his will. Therefore, he's incompetent.)

Oroci_Iori: That doesn't prove incompetence. Because sin does exist, God is using the evil of man for his purpose. This is how he brought Jesus to the Cross.

(Okay. And if God wants to fulfill his purpose, and needs evil to do it, then God wills evil to fulfill his purpose. Therefore, God willed the Holocaust to fulfill his purpose. Hence, God is evil.)

Am: NO! He allows evil to play out in granting free will. Satan brought the sin and evil in. The whole bible and coming of Jesus was a work of preparation in God reconciling humanity back to Himself, while working with the free will of created beings.



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