Maquissar, it's not that complicated. The percentage of excellent athletes who are in traditional relationships or marriages is very high. The percentage of those misled by the homosexual agenda who then break athletic records is very low. Impose the latter on a country and expect to produce athletes who are not as competitive with other nations that don't impose the misguided value system.
Because it totally has nothign to do with the fact that there's roughly a tenth of the population altogether that's gay, meaning a smaller proportion in all walks to begin with. And totally, totally nothing to do with the fact that many homosexuals in professional sports fear coming out for fear of either harm or losing their livlihood as a result? Or in the case of less mainstream sports, losing sponsorship?
No, nothing to do with that AT ALL.
Andy abuses statistics so often there's an article about it at RationalWiki:
As you can see in the article, the National Academy of Sciences has commented on Andy's knowledge of statistics:
"The issues raised by Mr. Schlafly are neither obscure nor subtle, but are part of everyday statistical analysis at a level too elementary to need rehearsal in the pages of PNAS."
Hey there, Andy, just stopped by to chime in about how horribly wrong you are yet again.
Not much else to say to a man like you.
Maquissar, it's not that complicated. If we were to pick out from a given population one athlete out of every 1000 people, then we would have more heteosexual people being athletes than gay people. Much like if we picked out a percentage from right handed and left handed people. The group of right handed people is far larger than left handed people, so you would have more right handed people to be athletes. None of this has anything to do whatsoever with a "misguided value system".
Actually the percentage of adult people in traditional relationships is high when compared to those "misled by the homosexual agenda". Being an athlete has nothing to do with it.
Also, I swear Andy is the next Ted Haggard.
And that's why Canada broke its medal count record in Vancouver and wound up in the top three in medals standings.
Wait, this is a response to a debate about how "Canada embarrasses itself at Olympics"?
You guys really are insane, aren't you? I mean, I was hoping it was a joke, but...
Okay, let's forget all of the unfounded assertions and blatant inaccuracies, let's forget that everything you ever say comes directly from your ass, let's forget your ridiculous slippery slope and your homosexual conspiracy nonsense. Are you claiming that winning medals is more important than human rights? I'd rather my country take dead last in every Olympic game for the rest of time than oppress a significant portion of the population. Being a great nation isn't about who can win a hockey game or who can swim the fastest butterfly it's about the standard of living in that nation. Medals are just decoration.
That's because of statistics. Most people are straight, so it makes sense that most athletes, let alone record-breaking athletes, would be straight.
Shitfly, the proportion of gays to the overall population is something about 10% or under... That would easily explain why gay athletes don't show the same figures as straight ones.
BTW, your prejudice is naked to the world! Hide it away, quickly!
No gay athletes?
John Amaechi, Billie Jean King, Sheryl Swoopes, Orlando Jordan, Pat Patterson, Gareth Thomas, Esera Tuaolo, and Carl Lewis would all like a word with you; just to name a few.
Well, I for one was a little embarassed. We invite eveyone to our home, promise them all a good time, and then we spend the whole time hogging the gold medal spot. People of the world, I apologize my the crass behavior of my fellow countrymen. :p
Shad Smith: Openly gay mma fighter and certified badass. I guess Andy can insist that Shad is secretly a closet hetero while shad is pounding his face in for spewing hate speech. Fuck you Andy, there is a reason conservatroll is my favorite thing to do on the internet.
I was kinda hoping that this would like to the discussion page of Johnny Weir's conservapedia page.
Johnny weir, too gay for conservapedia?
"The percentage of excellent athletes who are in traditional relationships or marriages is very high. The percentage of those misled by the homosexual agenda who then break athletic records is very low."
Figure skaters worldwide disagree.
...the fuck?
Like, really, this is what I'm saying in my chair right at the computer: "The...fuck...?"
Andy even argues with his supporters. He's a one-man John Byrne.
Andy, Andy, Andy . . . how long must we endure the absolute inane idiocy that spews forth every time you open your stinking, fettered pie hole?
I hope you get hit by a bus with an atheist sign on it and get dragged about half a mile until you look like the inside of a butcher's garbage can you shithead.
Well, I for one was a little embarassed. We invite eveyone to our home, promise them all a good time, and then we spend the whole time hogging the gold medal spot. People of the world, I apologize my the crass behavior of my fellow countrymen. :p"
I think I felt kind of sheepish in the back of my head, but in the front of my head, I was like, "CANADA F***ING ROCKS!!! SUCK ON THAT!!!" I think we Canadians were so happy to finally be doing a good job on something high-profile, that we lost our heads and were like, "You know, normally we're so now that we're kicking all your asses, we get bragging rights. :)"
And why do brown horses eat more than grey horses? Because there are more brown horses than grey ones.
Andy, you need to grow a brain.
Wayne Rooney aka Granny shagger
Ryan Giggs cheated on his wife
Peter Crouch slept with prostitutes
John Terry alledgedly shagged his team mate girlfriend
I could name loads of sexual indiscretions by footballers.
They are all at least relatively successful sports players. Fail.
Just two years later:
23 gay athletes who won medals in the 2012 London Olympics; ten were Golds .
@Professor Cold Heart
"Haha, check out the article this is from - "relationship between socialism and atheltic performance"! Oh dear..."
Just after making the record-equalling lift in the Men's 56 Kilo Weightlifting in the 2012 London Olympics, thus winning Gold:
image Om Yun-Chol: North Korea.
One of the four Golds - six medals in all - by athletes from DPRK. Oh dear, indeed.
Usain Bolt. Likes partying, and is very much the ladies man. Unmarried. He's a Catholic like you , Andy Schaftafly, so unless you start training - and you've got less than a year before the 2016 Rio De Janeiro Olympics - to prove your superiority to messrs. Bolt & Yun-Chol, the only one who'll be proved wrong is you .
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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