usachinanukewar #fundie

Any attack on Iran is an attack on China, because Iran babe is China’s oil tank. The Antichrist is in Washington regime, and he is gotta nuke Iran into ash, which will definitely sabotage and collapse China’s already fragile economy, causing China’s nation-wide social unrest and China’s Jasmine Revolution, jeopardizing Beijing regime’s legitimacy of staying in power, which is the only thing Beijing regime solely and only cares about. So, China will definitely go to war with USA and USA’ allies which are hijacked by USA and forced to side with USA when USA and China at war. The entire western pacific region is nuke war zone. Mainland China and North America are nuke war zone, too, wiping out one-fourths of the world population, some of whom are all 1.3 billion Chinese, one-fifths of the world population. Jesus told me this and Jesus never jokes.
I was always thinking it’s not so fair that USA just gotta be partly wiped out and partly survive after nuke war with China. Jesus always tells me He has a plan for USA during the End Times, that is, USA’ partly survival is to retreat some very important Jewish people living in Israel at the mid of the End Times when being persecuted by the Antichrist, the EU ruler. So, IF you’re Chinese who peek my posts, then you must take serious heed on my urgent warning. Jesus told me this horrifying message and Jesus never jokes. RUN NOW. RUN TO JESUS. The Church Rapture is imminent this year. Time is very extremely short. China’s gotta be all obliterated, being burned into ash, all lives extinct, within 24 hours by USA’ thousands of nukes at WW3.
IF you’re Chinese or Taiwanese who peeks my posts, then please hurry up. Just go repenting now, seek Jesus now. USA Washington regime is gotta wage nuke war genocide against China, which poses the most serious mortal threat to USA’ global hegemony. IF you’re Chinese, I do love you, because you and I are both Chinese, I want you to be saved and be my immortal Chinese saint buddy when we meet in Heaven after the Church Rapture. IF you’re Taiwanese, I do love you, because you and I are both officially Taiwanese, I want you to be saved and be my very close immortal buddy in Heaven. Hurry up, China and Taiwan are gotta be obliterated at nuke war genocide. China by USA’ nukes. Taiwan by China’s nukes. I’m officially Taiwanese, biologically and genetically Chinese. I love you both. Hurry up.


Hurry up, this is my last ditch trying to save my own kind, both Chinese and Taiwanese. I love you both, indeed. Hurry up. Time is very extremely short. China and USA are gotta go nuke war this year in 2012. It’s imminent very soon in the very near future, very near term. IF you become immortal Chinese or Taiwanese saint, then I wanna be your immortal buddy for eternity, very close immortal buddy, and I can play the zither for both of you when we go hanging out in pack. I love you both. Hurry up. Jesus told me this horrifying message. And, Jesus never jokes. Let’s be immortal bros and sisters in Heaven living with our Father, Lord Jesus Christ. I want both of you, Chinese and Taiwanese, to be all saved in the Church Rapture if you peek my posts here. I love you both. Please hurry up. Repent sin and go seeking Jesus. Hurry up. I love you. IF you’re Chinese, I do love you, because we are the same kind, the same species, and we share the same ancestry, history, language, culture, everything. IF you’re Chinese, we have the same genes and blood. I don’t want you to die gruesomely by USA’ nukes. Hurry up. IF you’re Taiwanese, I do love you, because we are even closer, for we both are officially Taiwanese, we have the same type of I.D. card and passport. I do love you. Hurry up, just repent sin and go seeking Jesus now. I love you both, Chinese and Taiwanese. I love you both. Let’s fly to Heaven with Jesus before this nuke war genocide waged by USA Empire.
I’m a chosen prophet and this is my online ministry.



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