Matouwac Torch #conspiracy
Nibiru is also know as the RED planet, the RED dragon, the RED kachina
Sofia is the worlds most powerful, publicly known infraRED telescope. It has been VERY active recently. Mauna Kea is the largest group based IRT.
The sun, for those of us over 30, USED to appear more orange in the sky, where as now it appears more white... as if the visible color spectrum produced from its light has changed.
The ever present particulates that have been relentlessly sprayed into the atmosphere are blocking the IR band (infrared bandwidth) of sunlight and 'any other sources' from reaching the earth, and us.
Thus, consider that the purpose of the trails is not SRM, depopulation, nanotech/viral/germ tech, or laying a 'screen' for holographic projection. Rather , the purpose is it hide the presence of an incoming body which only is visible in the infraRED bandwidth.
They don't have to block much:
"Most infrared light from celestial sources is absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere. Only a narrow window of near-infrared radiation (at wavelengths less than about 4 microns) reaches the Earth. Observations at these wavelengths requires that the infrared camera be cooled to hundreds of degrees below zero using a cryogen (such as liquid helium) and requires special solid-state infrared detectors (costing tens of thousands of dollars). Hence, it is impractical to consider a true infrared telescope for personal use.'"
-'trails' in the sky have increased dramatically over the past 15+ years
- the sun has appeared to change color, going more white with less, red/orange
- Sofia, the powerful IR telescope has been VERY active
- bollides, meteors, etc have been on the rise, as has the interest in 'asteroid defense' and a new 'space branch' of the US military was formed
- EQ's are on the rise and the reporting agencies are manipulating data
- the world's human collective is looking for change, is experiencing a shift in perspective, awareness, and consciousness (as evidenced by myriad social changes and upheavals)
- tptb have been building DUMBs and 'ghost cities' globally since WWII
- TPTB are predicting MASSIVE human migration due to 'climate change' (pole shift?)
Dots connected.
IMHO the trails are masking the impending undeniably of a body in the sky, which will also be the cause of the coming pole shift.