Alcohol is a false spirit. It is likquid courage and other things. the catholics show the world they are far from christianity by their priests that are alcoholics by the thousdands. They also are not sober enough to know God is true from Genesis 1 onward.
God brings conviction against alcohol.
I think alcoholism is the least you should be worried about with priests. Especially if they're alone with choir boys. Also, Jesus did that miracle with the water to wine, so is He bad too? He was a commie anyway.
1. Prove there's thousands of alcoholic priests.
2. God, anti-Catholicism again? Can't you guys find a new Christian sect to pick on? Like, the Anglicans and Episcopalians?
Jesus made wine, you lying swine!
(Something an eccentric minister I used to know would say to religious teetolers.)
Explain me, then. I'm a bone-sober atheist. Not a drop, not ever, and I still don't believe in your silly god.
Strange how Hitler mocked Churchill for his "likquid(sic) courage" on the eve of the Battle of Britain when England stood entirely alone against the Luftwaffe at its peak, not to mention NAZI plans to conquer the rest of the world.
That bottle of gin for Winston's breakfast appears to have been a pretty good investment.
It's kinda sad really.
Fundies say they believe in Jesus, but it's in fact the Bible they worship, demonstrated with their obsession with the KJV.
And they can't even stick to that.
And Coadie demonstrates no knowledge of Catholicism and that Jesus's blood is WINE, according to the Gospels. And that in that wedding in Canaan, he turned water in wine, not lemonade.
So, the Bible is lying when it says that a little wine is good for you?
Coadie, don't get any splinters from your lick wood courage.
Yeah, doesn't the bible say "take a little wine for thy stomach's sake?"
Oh, and how about Prohibition, the 18th Amendment, made part of the Constitution thanks to fundies (Carrie Nation, the WCTU, etc.) ... we saw how well THAT turned out.
1. Read your own holy book about wine.
2. If the misbehavior of a denomination's clergy invalidates that denomination, who's left? Didn't your Messiah say something about casting the first stone?
Coadie is that type of Christian that tries to turn anything fun and not intrusive into a sin...............even when the Bible doesn't say so. Alcohol is associated with friendship, with your first date, with a moment of intimacy with people of the opposite sex......ergo, bad.
Saccharissa for the win.
However, due to some of the medication I am on, I can't drink anymore. And damn, how I miss a good stout or even a lager (but I would prefer a nice dark stout) every now and again. Must be that Catholic upbringing.
The drink of choice in the middle east during the time period in which Jesus lived was...voila--WINE. Or ale.
Without refrigeration or more modern canning techniques, fruit juices quickly ferment by themselves. It was the only way that the people of the time had to keep fruit juice for long periods of time, or transport them for any distance. Their choices were extremely limited. It can be safer than the water was in many areas, tea wasn't commonly available, and most dairy would probably have been processed into cheese or butter.
So Jesus almost certain wouldn't have been a teetotaler, because virtually no one was.
And there's a growing body of evidence that suggests that the nonalcoholic components of wine or ale are actually very, very good for you.
A little history for you all.
In the 14/15 centuries most beer was made by monks.
They had no idea why the ingredients turned into alcohol.
The monks called what was later recognised by a certain M. Louis Pasture as yeast "Godisgood".
Without science it would still be classed as magic.
If God hates this "likquid" so much, then why did God (Jesus, whatever) drink it and share it during the Last Supper? No, "partyin' till the world ends" does not count.
Only in America.
Americans celebrate thanksgiving, the rest of the world celebrates "Fuck off puritans" day.
And from the catholic priest to Rev. Lovejoy: "Go home and have sex with your wife"
Jesus made wine, and was apparently made of wine, and wanted people to eat his flesh. If he wasnt a piss head, then I don't know what is.
Wine aside, theres some evidence of PCP right here, eg: Jesus's -"Eat my flesh"
Evolution of language-
Modern day equivalent of "Chew my thing"
You know what brings conviction against alcohol?
Alcohol poisoning.
And those are mostly done by people who are inclined to start shit anyway, and those who refuse to acknowledge their limitations. People who use alcohol responsibly are far less likely to have those problems.
"And then he turned WATER! Into WINE!!"
"Ohgod. Squirrel... in my head."
Foamy, our Lord and Master, says that Coadie is an epic mountain of fail.
Maybe if you actually had a intelligent, thoughtful conversation with a practicing Catholic, rather than screaming at them about how they are not saved, you'd be able to pull that head out of your ass.
Martin: "Only in America.
Americans celebrate thanksgiving, the rest of the world celebrates "Fuck off puritans" day."
'Fuck Off, Puritans' Day. I like that. Has a nice ring to it.
I'm adding that to my holiday calendar.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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