Everett Corley #racist rawstory.com
The attorneys for a former Republican candidate for U.S. Congress who is suing to keep a controversial Confederate statue standing near the University of Louisville want to drop him after he called an African-American professor a racial slur on social media, WHAS reports.
Everett Corley, a real estate agent and Donald Trump supporter, is trying to use the courts to stop Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer and U of L President James Ramsey from taking down the controversial monument, which sits on city property and is the source of numerous student complaints.
Attorneys representing Corley were troubled by a post on Facebook that shows a dead Confederate soldier and a photograph of UofL professor Ricky Jones.
“Here’s who lost today and here’s Ricky Jones, that damn dirty black ___ who won,” Corley wrote.
WHAS redacted the slur.
It appears Corley has since deleted the post, but in another one, he calls Jones “black Rasputin.”
“The black Rasputin from Atlanta behind all this hatred,” Corley wrote. “I wonder whose paying him? ?#?Save? our Monument! Ricky Jones go away!!”
Jones penned an op-ed in April calling for the statue’s removal.
More than 2,500 people have signed a Change.org petition seeking to replace the Confederate statue with a memorial to boxing legend Muhammad Ali.