Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Cro Magnon: Tall Blonde Blue Eyed Nephilim Aliens

About 50,000 to 15,000 years ago, something odd occurred in the evolution of homo sapiens: a new and different kind of modern human with supreme, gifted intelligence appeared almost magically and began evolving beside Neanderthal man in Europe and the Middle East.

Scientists cannot find the "Missing link", i.e. the form that was an immediate ancestor of the original Homo Sapiens, who, like I mentioned above, mysteriously appeared around 50'000-25'000 years ago, referred to as the Cro-Magnon man; while they found and continue finding remains of many less advanced forms that existed much time before such as Homo heidelbergensis and Homo rhodesiensis.

While scientists agree something happened to dramatically alter the human creature 50,000 to 15,000 years ago, leading him quite suddenly from a stone tool hunter--gatherer-wandering furry semi-primate tree and cliff dwelling society towards a supreme, gifted intelligence, monogamous-pair bonded-law-making-technologically oriented spaceward-looking society, they cannot, of course, agree on what the event was.

Without Cro-Magnon genes today we would all still be living in mud huts and practicing hunter-gatherer lifestyles like that in Africa and the Amazon. Cro-Magnon's descendents are responsible for the evolution of farming, the Mega cities, the pyramids, the great scientists and the great technological advances. All are from European Cro-Magnon descendents.

Simple theory. The White race are the descendents of the White Annunaki/Nordic Aliens.

The black and asian races were created by the Annunaki/Nordic Aliens by genetically manipulating the DNA of older sapiens present in Africa and Asia at the time. c.f. Homo Rhodesiensis of Africa, Homo Erectus of Asia.

It is no mistake that countless ancient civilisations and cultures like the ancient Mayans, Egyptians and Indians (Indus Valley Indians) around the world depict their Kings and Queens as "fair" while their slaves as "black". It is why light skinned people in Africa and Asia are of Noble rank, it is why the Negroid man lusts for the light skinned fmeales of his own race or the North European blonde female.

On top of that, the White Cro-Magnon race burn their skin easily in sunlight, carry more birth defects and are responsible for many modern diseases, indicating the fact their habitat on Earth is not natural to them, and that they/we are still adopting to our adopted planet.

Those who don't believe and say that the white skin colour is due to the lack of sunlight in cold temperate regions, I only point to the eskimo and innuit people who technically have lived in the arctic regions for tens of thousands of years and yet are brown skinned and dark eyed.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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