blank check #fundie

(good God, this site is a fundie gold mine)

The above person is a prime example of the problem with America today. An atheist. This nutcase , and all like him/her, have so much blood on their hands that it's not funny.
Christianity has been proven year after year, century after century, millenia after millenia to be the winning doctrine for a successful society.
I just can't see why this is so hard to understand.

If you search deep into every problem cited in the news or every problem that you experience each day at work OR at home or within your group of friends and family, I can assure you that indirectly or directly, atheism ( or some warped /delusional interpretation of Christianity) can be blamed for the birth of that problem. Atheism and the actions of atheists, are the root problems with America.
The future holds to be an awful event because of the immediate, collateral, and lingering effects of atheism. I blame atheists for destroying everything that once was good in my country.

They lie about everything to prove that they are not the problem. They mock anything that is good and ridicule what is righteous and good for YOU. They think they are innocent and they are strictly self-righteous. They ban together thinking that in high numbers that they can 'wish' away God. They have already failed . It won't happen. Atheists forums contain the most vile and evil people you will ever meet. Don't trust them. They are liars. They use questions to stir doubt. They hang in groups to give each other support that they are in the right when in fact they are nothing but a group of totally confused people lost and unwilling to be found.

Christianity is the only way to resolve America's problems because IT WAS THE WHOLE REASON THIS COUNTRY WAS FORMED.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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