[re: decline in abortions may be due to increased availability of contraceptives]
No, I don't think there's any evidence of that.
Most likely the negative cultural reaction to the election of such a pro-abortion president (Obama) is what caused the decline, similar to what happened after the election of Clinton in the 1990s.
Let's see, citation needed.
Of all the possibilities why a reaction to the President. It's not like "oh I was going to get an abortion but the President is pro choice.". That just seems contrived. Oh it's Andy. Nevermind nothing to see here.
So. Women decided to get fewer abortions because they're mad at Obama for being "too pro-choice?" And if Romney had been elected...? Romney would have to just rein in those abortion-having women to keep them from scraping out their uterus left and right or what.
Yeah, that makes total sense.
So, when it's considered OK to have an abortion, the rates go down, but when it's not really OK the rates go up, is that what you're trying to say?
What did Dubbya do about abortion laws? Oh, that's right; nothing much.
Nobody is pro-abortion, asshole, we're pro-choice . We try to make sure that as few women as possible have to make that hard decision, that most women will be able to take care of potential offspring and that there is no social stigma with being a single or unwed mother, that everyone have access to affordable contraceptives and medical care. Tackle the cause, not the effect, ya know!
"No, I don't think there's any evidence of that."
- When has that stopped you from clinging to a belief before?
Even by stupid fundie standards this makes absolutely NO SENSE WHATSOEVER!
But waddaya expect from Flyguy, sanity?
Yeah, because we all know that contraceptives don't prevent pregnancy, so therefore they will have no effect on the number of abortions.
Holy FUCK! Does someone have to remind this idiot to breathe?
Right. And I'm sure traffic signals and DUI arrests have less to do with the decline in automobile accidents than the cultural backlash against the people who implemented said countermeasures.
What fucking reality do you live in? What colour is the sky there and do you drink salted sand to quench your thirst?
>>No, I don't think there's any evidence of that.<<
Increased sales of contraceptives and surveys showing increased uptake. There you go.
And Schlafly has dared to be stupid.
Say huh? People who previously didn't have any problem with getting an abortion are suddenly against it because the president is supposedly for it?
I know it's Andy Shlafly, but damn he's totally illogical.
"Most likely the negative cultural reaction to the election of such a pro-abortion president (Obama) is what caused the decline, similar to what happened after the election of Clinton in the 1990s."
Then there's only one solution for Schlafly and his anti-abortion allies: keep electing Democratic presidents!
Let me get this straight. Andy appears to be saying that God fearing white people are so despondent over the election of a black guy that they stopped screwing. Or, perhaps, he's channeling a certain Mr. Akin and asserting that a woman's body has ways to "shut it down" in the case that a black guy is the POTUS?
On second thought, I don't really have any desire to understand why Andy says the things he says. That way lies madness.
The evidence is from the study carried out by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention Andy. It's easy to find online.
Of course it was carried out by real scientists, so you will struggle to understand most of it as it contains no hatred, prejudice, demons or talking snakes.
I just realized something. Andy is the White Knight, and Phyllis is the Red Queen!
When logic and proportion
Have fallen slowly dead
And the White Knight is talking backwards
And the Red Queen's lost her head
Remember what the dormouse said
Feed your head
Feed your head
"Most likely the negative cultural reaction to the election of such a pro-abortion president (Obama) is what caused the decline, similar to what happened after the election of Clinton in the 1990s."
Why would there be a negative cultural reaction, when a majority of people voted those presidents in?
The edits afterwards are better:
"So Democratic presidencies reduce the number of abortions? That's interesting."
"So if I want to reduce abortions, should I vote for Democrats? That doesn't seem to make sense. Also Andy, I think you overestimate people's intelligence. Most people don't think Obama is nearly as bad as he actually is. Don't assume everyone is as smart as us. I hate to say it, but it's true."
So what are you saying, Andy? That electing a pro-choice president makes abortions go down and electing an anti-choice president makes them go up?
Do you honestly imagine that a woman with an unexpected pregnancy will base her abortion decision on who got elected president?
This is a prime example of a fundie spouting something he desperately wants to be true as a scientific fact or theory.
They do this ALL the time, so you know there is no hope in debating with them.
Andy, Andy, Andy, must we keep doing this? You keep trying to support your bigotry without proof and edit out anyone who calls your out. You're never not going to be a worthless shitbag of a human being if you don't accept that absolutely everything you think is completely wrong. Seek help. There's probably a therapist out there who can undo the damage done by your Republicunt mother.
@Darkevilme: "How does your mind work? seriously. Goddamn seriously.
I cannot follow this 'logic' at all and I'm wondering what kind of reasoning led to this nonsense he is writing."
Andy's mind works like a reverse random numbers generator: he starts with a preconceived result like "abortions are wrong and 'traditional America' (AKA white people) agrees with me" and puts random scary buzzwords before them, like "Obama", "Clinton", "pro-abortion", "liberal agenda" etc. It's not logic but a rather pathetic imitation.
I read not that long ago that Switzerland actually has the lowest abortion rate in Europe, even though they have a liberal abortion system.
Their religious people were upset about the high abortion, but instead of preaching abstinence only, they actually did not fight comprehensive sex ed and contraception.
I am pro choice, but I am upset about the number of abortions that happen, because with some education and contraceptives, and with an improved social net for families and children, we could effectively decrease the number of abortions.
I for one, hope for a day when there will be no abortions except in case of medical need. But I'm pro-choice, because before that day comes, there will be those who need it for major reasons.
Sadly, considering his family, I don't think he's a poe.
Then again, it's perfectly possible that he purposefully says idiotic things to make his family members look a bit smarter. We can only hope.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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