if ToE is taught as science I see no reason astrology couldn't as well.
Astrology still makes more sense than "Creation Science".
However, the telling four words in your sentence are "I see no reason".
How would you teach astrology as science, supersport? I mean, come on...
You're kidding, right? Isn't this against the teachings of your cult? You know, the ban against witchcraft, divination and stuff. It's in your silly book of rules and regulations.
Aren't you a heretic and a blasphemer for proposing this?
I call first dibs at the burning.
Dude, I have waited millenia for all my component stars to move into random positions so that someone could theoretically see a virgin in the night sky. Thank goodness the earth is in its orbit, because I'm unrecognizable as a constellation from any other perspective in the known universe.
Because astrology is not a science.
@Osiris: I don't particularly believe in the mystical divination aspects of astrology, but even so... ASTROLOGY DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY!
-A Body of Knowledge about nature (our world or the universe).
-A result of the collective observations, experimental findings, insights and wisdom of the human race.
-The process of discovering and explaining Nature
Critical thinking (a large part of the scientific process) requires one to know as much information about an issue as possible before rendering an opinion or making a decision (not dismissing parts of it as heretical).
Tries to be science but is not
Lacks the key ingredients:
- Evidence
- Test for wrongness
Includes aspects in the realm of science but makes an unscientific “leap” of faith.
Astrology is not a science because multiple "professional" astrologers using the same constellations write different horoscopes every day, while a hypothesis is not accepted as a theory until the same conclusion has been reached many, perhaps hundreds of times in labs around the world.
You say for example that god created the universe in 7 days though you do not give a set of conditions that when met, prove you right or wrong. So until a test is given with which we can come to this proof/disproof of religion, it simply cannot be taken seriously.
@[b]OSIRISAstrology is a study of how the movement of the stars affects our personalities and lives as an individual.
If it even entertained the idea of a firmament holding the stars, it would sort of defeat the purpose, wouldn't it?
Astrology makes sense and works. I've studied it for 12 years. I've studied Christianity even longer and it still doesn't make sense.
Reverend Davidius
'Astrology is not a science because multiple "professional" astrologers using the same constellations write different horoscopes every day...'
'Astrology makes sense and works. I've studied it for 12 years.'
Is that a 'No true astrologer' argument I see on the horizon?
Neither doOH WAIT !!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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