John Frederick Sweeney #conspiracy

[This comes from a work titled The Egyptian Book of the Dead, Nuclear Physics and the Substratum]


The Egyptian Book of the Dead, a collection of coffin texts, has long been thought by Egyptologists to describe the journey of the soul in the afterlife, or the Am Duat. In fact, the so – called Book of the Dead describes the invisible Substratum, the “black hole” form of matter to which all matter returns, and from which all matter arises. The hieroglyphics of the Papyrus of Ani, for example, do not describe the journey of the soul, but the creation of the atom. This paper gives evidence for the very Ancient Egyptians as having knowledge of a higher mathematics than our own civilization, including the Exceptional Lie Algebras E6 and G2, the Octonions and Sedenions, as well as the Substratum and the nuclear processes that occur there. The Osiris myth represents a general re – telling of the nuclear processes which occur within the Substratum, the invisible “black hole” form of matter.



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