One of the sharpest divisions in United States politics is over taxpayer-funded abortion, and fetal homicide in general.
By a 7-2 vote the U.S. Supreme Court legalized fetal homicide on demand in 1973 throughout the United States, which invalidated laws in virtually every state prohibiting or limiting abortion.
The highly controversial U.S. Supreme Court decision stated that prohibiting abortion violated a woman's constitutional rights, and that the right to life granted in the constitution was not originally intended to apply to an unborn child.
Some have pointed to the incongruity of US federal law which deems that the fertilized eggs of any of over 800 species of native birds warrant federal-government protection under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 while the fertilized egg of a human being is regarded as a disposable mass of tissue.
Bird eggs survive outside of the bird's body and can easily be adopted by other birds or placed in a brooder.
Some birds (parasitic breeders), such as cuckoos, cowbirds and whydahs aren't even around for the hatching.
A human egg is in no way comparable to a bird egg.
...and that the right to life granted in the constitution was not originally intended to apply to an unborn child.
1) Unborn children cannot survive outside of the mother's body. Even though a percentage of premature babies do survive, most die.
2) If the US Constitution were to grant personhood to unborn children, think of the ramifications. Social security numbers would have to be generated for all pregnancies whether they carry to full term or not. Funerals would be required for all miscarriages. CPS would have to be involved in all cases of miscarriage to ensure the mother's behaivor (ie. drinking, smoking, etc.) was not the root cause. Criminal charges could possibly result. I'm sure there are others of which I'm not aware.
Tell you what, when there's less than 1,000 people on the face of this earth, we'll outlaw abortion.
Until then...
Oh, and as pointed out above, there's no law against a bird "aborting" it's own eggs. My pigeon tossed her eggs out of the nest last week.
While the "killing" of a lump of non sentient cells (without a developed CNS) with the help of the taxpayers money is evil in the eyes of conservapedia,
it is totally O.K. for them if fully grown, feeling and thinking living beings get killed in wars (which also are financed by the taxpayers), especially if said wars were started by a republican president
Fetuses are legally protected from deliberate harm when they are wanted by the mother. It is illegal to perform an abortion on a woman (or girl) who does not consent to it.
The eggs of endangered birds are also legally protected from deliberate harm--by humans. If the parent(s) themselves don't want the eggs, no one can stop them from abandoning them or destroying them, or from abandoning or killing the young after they hatch. There is also no law against natural predation of eggs or young birds, anymore than there is any law against a mosquito biting a pregnant woman and passing on a disease that causes her to miscarry.
I often wonder why people are so insistant that we ban abortion than try to stop the cause of unwanted pregnacy.
I mean, look at the Ceausescu regime (sorry, I don't know how to type in the mark underneath the first 's'). They banned abortion and restricted birth control, but abortions occured anyway.
Abortion is not a black and white issue as many would like to believe. It comes in a varieties of shades of grey.
The problem is that you deny the woman the right to choose whether or not she wants a kid.
Also, those 800 species of native birds are endangered. Humans are NOT endangered by ANY metric.
the right to life granted in the constitution was not originally intended to apply to an unborn child.
a) The right to life is in the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution.
b) The Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 only forbids humans to mess with the eggs. It doesn't forbid the bird to push the egg out of its nest.
c) The right to life applies to an unborn child if it is capable of living outside the womb.
I bet most of those birds are near extinction. Humans are very, VERY far from extinction. We are in danger of killing the whole Earth with the massive number of human beings.
According to your Bible, a newborn child is not a person until fourty days after birth. Care to explain why a non-person fetus is so important to you, but a criminal is not?
You can't REALLY be pro-life and pro-death-penalty and pro-war at the same time. Either life is sacred, or it isn't.
Just come clean and say you hate the fact that women can now choose to have an abortion and still have a very good chance to live through it.
Before they were done by doctors in hospitals, nobody cared about abortions. After all, the woman had at best a bit better than fifty-fifty chance of surviving, so it wasn't really a choice, was it? She simply HAD to do it, or she would be beaten half to death and/or be ostracized from her whole family.
Feel that Christian love!!!
I'm pretty sure it's not about preserving the sanctity of bird's lives (seriously, how often do we eat various poultry?) but rather trying to prevent the extinction of those species...
That is what I would think, uninformed as I am, at least.
"Some have pointed to the incongruity of US federal law which deems that the fertilized eggs of any of over 800 species of native birds warrant federal-government protection under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 while the fertilized egg of a human being is regarded as a disposable mass of tissue."
That's because there's no shortage of shitting, drooling, snotty-nosed, filthy rug rats in this country.
Oh, and could you do me a favor? Beat the shit out of your mom for me for not having an abortion, mkay?
"Fetal homicide" is an oxymoron. That's like saying that washing your hands is "bacterial homicide."
Some have pointed to the incongruity of US federal law which deems that the fertilized eggs of any of over 800 species of native birds warrant federal-government protection under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 while the fertilized egg of a human being is regarded as a disposable mass of tissue.
Um, I would guess that's because those birds are endangered and need help to make sure their eggs survive so they don't go extinct. The human population has no such problem.
I've got a really stupid question: has anyone at Conservapedia actually read the Roe v. Wade decision? My general experience has been that most court rulings have a clear legal basis and precedent, even if we don't like the result.
With specific regard to Roe, the court even acknowledged that there could be some whose religious beliefs might not like the ruling.
It's also a no-no to shoot certain adult birds, because they're endangered.
Humans, not endangered, etc.
Eggs don't gestate for months inside the mother's body, feeding upon her blood supply. They develop independently, rather than as parasites, like human embryos do..
Even if they did, the baby birds would soon be independent of the mother, and not require 18 years of her life and support, financial and otherwise.
Many of those bird species were endangered. NOT protecting them may have resulted in extinction and a decrease in biodiversity (which can be devastating to an ecosystem).
By the way, one of those species on the list is the bald eagle. You know, that beautiful creature that you so proudly point to with patriotic fevor while simultaneously destroying its habitat and poisoning it with pesticides that thin the shells of its eggs, making it more difficult for a female eagle to keep them safe enough until they hatch?
"Ceausescu" You can copy/paste from another document, most of the time it'll work.
"S" or "s" Or you can go to your "Character Map" if your computer is using Windows, and copy/paste the individual character from there.
BTW, that funny squiggle is called a cedille or cedilla. If you look closely at it, you will find that it is the same as the Roman character for the numeral "5" without the upper horizontal bar. So if you want to write it with pen and paper, simply add the cedilla at the bottom of the letter.
Editing Comment: It didn't work this time. Apparently comments will not allow non-english diacritical marks.
Allâh iva Krišna Mañana S Ceausescu Façade Coöperate
All the above words work except Ceausescu, I guess fstdt just doesn't like that Romanian "S" with a cedilla.
perdurabo for the win!
Ah, it's just Assfly. The man sucks so much it's a wonder he hasn't become a black hole of stupid. Or maybe he has, judging by tripe like this. Hey Andy, plenty of people wish your mom had aborted you! "fetal homicide"... lmao!
Forgot to put in my nick... this is Crimson Lizard.
A homicide is the killing of a human being. You're not a human being until after birth. Even the Bible says that you're not counted among your people until 40 days after birth. According to that, it's not even homicide if you kill a three-weeks-old infant.
The human species is VERY far from threatened by extinction, that's why our fertilized eggs don't warrant any special protection. If all bees died out, all plant life would be threatened. If all humans died out, every other species would prosper.
I'd say that the question of living wages or not, is a very sharp division, that actually affects humans, not just masses of tissue.
If you're against abortions, Andy, then why don't you fight for easily accessible and affordable contraceptions for all? That would reduce the abortion rate significantly. You ought to also organize a prayer rally to make your God reduce the amount of spontaneous abortions, which constitute the overwhelming majority of abortions.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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