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China’s salvation.

The fundamental flaw in the existing Chinese nation is the continued existence of the so-called “Chinese” Communist Party and its hold on power over the organs of the state. The reason why this should no longer be so are myriad but the most succinct reason is that the Communist Party represents a foreign transplant ideology and culture that is distinctly ahistorical and unChinese. The Communist Party is therefore illegitimate. However, consideration must be taken in that the solution to the problem does not end up being worse than the original predicament. The most vocal opponents of the Communist Party both within and without China are the self styled Democratists who champion Western Liberalism as it is practiced in Europe and the United States. However they are not a true opposition to the Communists as they are in fact their doppelgangers hewn from the same Western milieu. The motto of the Communist Party is that only Socialism can save China, under the aegis of a single Marxist-Leninist vanguard party. The motto of the Democrats is that only Socialism can save China, under the aegis of two Marxist-Leninist vanguard parties. The end goal of both the Communists and the Democrats are the same, to ape the reigning Weltanschauung of the West, their only difference is in who should be in the driver’s seat.

The problem lies in the goal itself in that the total Westernization of China ultimately means China’s suicide. As the originators, innovators, and most accomplished practitioners of Western Liberalism are in the West, the legitimacy of any Liberal Democratic Chinese polity will ultimately be forever beholden to the West. That is any deviation from the reigning Western consensus is punished by deligitmization in the form of being labeled insufficiently democratic. Furthermore the core ideology that governs the West is at present virtually indistinguishable from the Communist Party in essence if not in form and has degenerated into what can best be described as Tartarism. What is Tartarism you ask? Tartarism is a social-governmental arrangement in which alien elite, actively hostile to the majority population, seeks to govern by dissolving the ethnic consciousness and cultural distinctiveness of said majority into an indistinctive lump in their imperial soup.

Just as the Manchu Qing usurpers claimed the mantle of the Chinese nation and enslaved the Han with the aid of various compradors and collaborators, the current socio-governmental system as embodied by the West consists of a thoroughly Judaized elite waging a subversive war to destroy the vitality of their respective nations by changing the demographic profile of their societies.

Since Western Liberalism is not a solution to China’s existing predicament, the only remaining solution is for China to chart her own distinctive political course. For many, a return to tradition would seem to be in order. That is the restoration of an emperor as the foundation of government and legitimacy. Unfortunately such romanticism is ill advised because it is precisely the imperial system, or rather its failure that has led us to the China of today. It is simply not only the problem of a “bad” emperor that can bring disaster, but rather even a good emperor is no guarantee of anything. The crux of the issue that the emperor, by virtue of being the emperor, stands above and beyond the lives of regular citizens. By being so detached, even a good emperor stands at risk of developing a fatal case of nobless oblige where his magnanimity can turn out to be disastrous in the long run. Still the optimal form of government has always involved some form of autocracy because the very fundamental nature of democracy means that it must be dysfunctional. By granting political power to everyone in the form of a vote, you grant it to no one because the value of a vote is diluted by its universality. In addition, a democracy assumes the fundamental equality of all voting constituents which flies in the face of empirical evidence. Not all individuals are equal and the voice of neither a fool nor ten thousand fools is worth that of one wise man. Thus political rights should and must be restricted in some manner for the good of all.

The question then remains as to how political rights must be structured and restricted in a post-Communist China. The first strata that must be disenfranchised are naturally women. Giving women political power over men is a more mendacious and reckless act than providing a loaded firearm to an infant. It endangers not just one family but that of the whole nation. The obvious next choice would be the non-Han minorities. China is and shall always be the domain of the Han race. There must be no exceptions to this restriction because one exception begins us down the slippery slope of more exceptions. Non-Han minorities should never exercise political over the Han. The next but not the most obvious choice should be the elderly. Citizens over the age of 65 should have no political rights. This is primarily to avoid the inevitable problem of gerontacratic capture that presently ensnares the West. The elderly vote much more consistently and in greater numbers than any voting block and their primary concern seems to be to keep the flow of government redistribution heading in their direction. This has not proven to be a problem in other Chinese micro-polities, but it is better to be safe than sorry and nip this potential problem in the bud. Education restrictions are generally a poor choice since the educational system in China, as it is becoming in the West, mere credentialism and the over-educated tend to over-indulge in liberalism. The lumpen proletariat and lumpen bourgeoisie are the backbone of any nation and they must not be excluded. The next and most difficult step is to configure a polity that can escape being seized by the plutocracy. This is already a problem in that the capitalist class in China is as materialistic and traitorous as any other and twice as self serving. Hong Kong and Singapore are already controlled by monopolistic cartels and property tycoons who have no compunctions about squeezing every last ounce of sweet and blood from the citizens and show no compunction against importing hostile racial aliens as a means to save or make more money. This is particularly difficult because money will always be wedded to political power and thus to work against this is to work against human nature. Since oligarchy is the default system of human hierarchical organization attempting to interfere in this usually results in externalities. The most brute force method is to restrict political rights to only those who have served 5 or more years in the military. This may be overly restrictive and results in a sample too unrepresentative of the Chinese people but it may be the only panacea to this most vexing of dilemmas.

In sum, the post Communist Chinese state must be governed by male Hans between the ages of 23-65 with a conditional 5 years of military service.



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