The Real Nobody #conspiracy
We've Got Aliens With Proof
I figured it out. You can too. But it just depends with your level of connection with the Aliens. Up to about ten years ago I had a lot of communication going back and forth with what I would call Aliens. Not your conventional Aliens like Little Green Men or The Greys. These are Humans. But you can't see them visually except under very special lighting and the angles have a lot to do with it. Then it's possible to get a visual. But then again they are allusive and in complete control of the situation. Okay. The definition One Dimensional, Two Dimensional, and Three Dimensional. Picture a Cartesian Coordinate System. The vertical line = One Dimension, the horizontal and the vertical intersecting = Two Dimensional, and when they come off into space that = the Third Dimension in which we exist. Now why do I divulge what I'm going to tell you here and not in a book? Because they know who I am and it isn't secret. I also cannot tell you what the Aliens told me. So that's why no book. But the FBI already knows this stuff so meh. But... I can reveal the existence of the Aliens and I guess this will be disclosure for some. Hey! This stuff about the Aliens belongs to everybody so here goes. Carl Sagan suggested that things in the Fourth Dimension would not be visible to us except in one aspect. We would be able to detect the footprint of a Fourth Dimensional object but not the rest. Only shadows. Only the base. Well, these Aliens are highly intelligent. They are aware of everything that is going on here and I really cannot say with certainty that they select sides. They are Human. But they exist in the Fourth Dimension. Now I will tell you how they communicate. They can touch you if they want to. That's right. It's not a visual. They are projecting themselves into this World by actually touching people. Mine were nice. They warned me about my Cancer. Showed me where it was, so they got it in time. They wrote on me. They probably saved you guys. It's not happening anymore. But maybe somebody else now, is the Nobody. Don't be scared. It's not the Devil. But there are a few outlaw Aliens. You can tell the good ones and the bad ones apart. Some people may receive Disclosure and others may not. But you will know for certain finally if they decide to reveal themselves personally. It's a personal experience. Good luck!