a2nite #racist dailykos.com

Little do they know there is a big target on them & the better they & the poor do the better everything is. They are a new creation & the evil 1% know exactly how to return them to the dirt. Many got destroyed in the last financial apocalypse. I'm waiting for more to lose their jobs & become ruined to "get it". It will be too late.

Sorry, my people have been under siege for 400 years, ongoing. I just do not feel, sorry for the "moderate white person". I know a few, making their pronouncements about us. Well those friends knows better than to talk that crap in front of me.

Their shite does stink; they are not awesome; they are not better. They're just lucky to be born white.

["your comment makes me wonder how you define a 'moderate white person' anyway?

(serious question)

sounds like you're talking more about 'entitled white people who only passively support left-wing causes when it suits them'"]

Like I said, I don't care about any white people

They can get fucked as black people have gotten fucked.

Moderate, don't know it there is such a thing.

I'm glad.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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