David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
God does NOT require anything from us to be saved, just that we believe upon Jesus Christ, who justifies the ungodly with His shed blood (1st Peter 1:18,19). Therefore ... Catholicism is a LIE! Islam is a LIE! The Jehovah's Witness religion is a LIE! Mormonism (The Church of the Latter-Day Saints of Jesus Christ) is a LIE! Scientology is a LIE! Freemasonry is a LIE! Christian Science is a LIE! The Seventh-Day Adventist religion is a LIE! Hinduism is a LIE! The New Age religion is a LIE! Wicca is a LIE! Buddhism is a LIE! Zoroastrianism is a LIE! Lutheranism is a LIE! Why are the churches silent? Billions of lost sinners are members of these damnable false religions and must be warned! Without exception, every one of the religions just mentioned ADD works to faith alone in Christ Jesus, thus perverting the Gospel