"You being an atheist have no right to use anything from the Bible to either comment on or have any kind of reaction to - since you dont believe in the author of it - God - so therefore you have given up your right to have an opinion about it. And you cannot declare it is "ridiculous" or any such a thing. And you cannot interpret it since you reject it and its author - God. You being an athiest do have the right to comment on something you would know about - secular humanistic documents. But God's Word, no, sorry, you are not even worthy to comment on God's sacred book."
Pop quiz, hotshot: Was it God himself who put pen to paper/fingers to keyboard, wrote out the entire thing himself; proofread (lol, 'omipotence' & 'omniscience'), sent the manuscript/Word document(s) to the publisher, then printed out, bound and ultimately sent out to the vendors said Bible with the words 'Written by God' on the cover, all by himself, hmmmmm?!
If your answer is the only one possible (and no 'inspired by God' is invalid; either it was written, spellchecked/proofread, printed & distributed by God himself, with the words 'Written by God' on the cover, or it wasn't, therefore it isn't the 'Word of God', but nothing more than the deluded ramblings of a bunch of Bronze Age goatfuckers with ideas above their stations), you've just annihilated your argument, carmammary.
(*Switches to Doug Piranha mode*)
So your so-called 'God' could just poof a universe, world & life on it, yet he couldn't do the same with the first humans - let alone a mere 'book'? Yep, that's 'omnipotence', all right. [/hyper-sarcasm] [/Fridge Logic]
You fundies don't have the right to think your 'beliefs' have any validity, least of all contemplate the notion of even thinking that it has the right to be accepted by any sane person, least of all we Atheists. Period.
Because this is what your 'Word of God' actually is:
Therefore "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe" is non-fiction (and the film is a documentary). CS Lewis's books have at least as much credibility - and he was a Christian.
PROTIP: The word 'Bible' comes from the Greek word 'Biblios' meaning 'Book'. Therefore all books are Bibles, have as much 'Truth' to them, and therefore if I were to enter the cupboard I keep my clothes in, I'd emerge out the other side into another world and meet a talking lion, because a book - a Bible - says so.
Now you see how unjustifiable - certainly destroyable - your argument is. Because, like I say, as your 'Word of God' wasn't actually written by him, therefore it isn't the 'Word of God', but men, ergo the very basis of your 'beliefs', and thus your very religion itself, is lies. Q.E. and D., bitch.
Therefore your argument (certainly your justifications for your fundie religion's existence) is annihilated. And we Atheists have every right in the world to tear your piece of shit book that you & your inferior 'beliefs' (and your unjustifiable bigotries) you dare to base such on, apart. So we Atheists can logically destroy your 'Bible', by exposing it's flaws, inconsistencies, contradictions, lies and vile poison, thus expose the disease that is the worse than Al-Qaeda, right-wing Fundamentalist Christian Theocratic Dominionist agenda. What the fuck are you gonna do about it? And no, 'God will punish you after you die' is invalid. Gotta prove an 'Afterlife' - along with your so-called 'God' - exists to our satisfaction first, bucko.
I love the smell of annihilated arguments - and unjustifiable religions - in the morning. Smells like... victory.
Moral: 'You being an atheist have no right to use anything from the Bible to either comment on'. O RLY...?:
Make me.