David Benham and Jason Benham #fundie barbwire.com
Recent headlines declared, "God isn't fixing it." He's not fixing all the bloodshed and violence plaguing America and the world today. But let's just pause for a minute and think through what that statement really means.
We're blaming God - who's not supposed to exist - for our troubles? That's like refusing to believe doctors and mechanics are real, and then blaming them for not fixing our cars and kids.
We blame God for His absence in the presence of evil, all while systematically seeking to remove any vestige of Him from society (Bible reading, prayer, the Ten Commandments, Christmas trees, you name it). Yet when paganism overtakes principle, we presumptuously mock the platitudes of prayer. (That was a lot of Ps.)
While our leaders refuse to accept God's diagnosis in America - humans have a sin problem that, if left unchecked by God's standards, evil will prevail - mortality is on the decline and ISIS is on the rise.
We can expect that if we remove God from our nation by rejecting His existence, refusing His justice, and repealing His moral laws, violence will replace victory. And if we continue in our rebellion, He will not hear our prayers.
God isn't fixing our problems because we've asked Him to leave, rejected His standards, and filled our streets with the innocent blood of the unborn.
If we as a nation will turn back to God by repenting of our national sins (evil practices that have been institutionalized through the courts or legislation), and if we as a people will repent of our personal sins, He will hear our prayers!