Johnny Lee Clary #fundie
(From a long, insane, half-researched tirade against Marilyn Manson, this is one of the dumbest sections)
Manson sells WWJD bracelets at his concerts saying that it does not stand for "What Would Jesus Do", but instead they stand for "WE WANT JESUS DEAD". He has allegedly raped a young girl on the stage, and has sodomized one of his band members in front of thousands of children. He took a little puppy dog that was only 6 weeks old, and tossed it into the audience, encouraging kids to rip it to pieces and then smear the blood all over one another, which they gladly did. He said he dreams of the day that he can take a little baby and do the same thing to the baby. He has asked audiences at his concerts if they have ever eaten babies. He sells t-shirts encouraging children to KILL GOD, KILL THEIR PARENTS, and then KILL THEMSELVES. Many a teenager has committed suicide after going home from his demonic concerts. Singer Courtney Love, pulled out of her on the road tour with Manson, in March of 1999, stating that she would never tour with him again as he was telling children to commit suicide. This web site would never endorse Courtney Love or her music, but in this case we say, "Good On Ya, Courtney!"
Manson tells kids that Hell is a great place and they need not fear Hell. He says it is one great big party for eternity with all of the drugs and sex you can ever want. He tells them to escape the pressures of this world by committing suicide. I notice that Manson advocates suicide and tells young people to do it, but he fails to lead by example! If Hell is so great and suicide is the solution to life's problems as Manson says, then why doesn't he set the example? I will even loan him my gun if he will just practice what he preaches!
This was an unconfirmed rumor, but Marilyn Manson supposedly had his bottom two ribs removed, so that he can perform oral-sex on himself. He bragged about this in interviews, although some say he made that up and he never actually did this. Just the fact that he would state such a filthy thing, shows his reprobate mind.
Twiggy Rameriez , one of Manson's band members was arrested for molesting a little boy. Manson and Twiggy have frequently kissed and fondled each other at concerts. Marilyn Manson and Trent Reznor of satanic band "Nine Inch Nails" had sexual intercourse.
According to Manson, the eye tattoos on Marilyn's forearms are really bulls-eyes for his heroin needles. Marilyn Manson told many that he had gotten breast-implants, but that he later had them removed. He had posed for a photo showing himself with breast, but he no longer has them now. See photo below. [Mechanical Animals album cover, which was a harness, not implants]
(The rest of it is just as funny and stupid, and for those who are curious, the shirt is real, the Manson and Twiggy on stage action is real, and the Manson and Trent stuff is a rumor, the rest of it is 100% bullshit)