Those guys crack me up.
Especially this one (in the same thread, a few posts down)
OKAY...(steps in front of firing squad..)
Here goes:
I voted for, Obama.
...I was quite liberal...and didn't even consider myself as such. I was very torn at the election. I would consider myself a pretty.."educated" person, and I wouldn't go into something unless I was 100% sure..
The day of the election - I had sick feelings. Can't really describe it but just alllllllll bad feelings all day..I couldn't really decide on who to vote for - which had never EVER been a problem for me before. I had been researching both sides...and I was at a loss. BOTH had characteristics that I didn't, so I attempted to select the "lesser" of two-evils. Coming from my very "liberal" perspective at the time...this was Obama.
Something forced me to participate in perhaps the most important vote, ever. My intentions were good - if change meant good - for the good of America, I wanted to support that...but something still seemed off.
As soon as I voted - I felt sick... I got home... was shaken to the core. I couldn't understand WHY I would vote in the first place if I wasn't 100% sure. THAT HAS NEVER been me. Not at all. So I couldn't understand what had changed. It was like it wasn' It is so hard to explain, but it was so...strange.
...I fell to my knees and begged for God's forgiveness. (Prior to this, I was very "pro-choice." - ProLIFE as an INDIVIDUAL (for me) but proCHOICE for everyone else..I thought, "who am I to make the decision for someone else?") Same with gay-rights.. "who am I to say who they can't be with/marry" type of thing.. I NEVER really took the Bible as "law" or God's Word - but it all clicked then. It truly did. The TRUE ANSWER was in front of me the whole time - and I didn't even take the time to acknowledge Him.
God answered - and boy did he ever. I confessed my sins...and for the first time - I saw all the sin I had engaged in - AND DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE IT. I also acknowledged Jesus as my savior for probably the first time in my life - and believed it. Like I said, for the first time - things MADE was all in a matter of a day where I had a complete change of heart. Even my husband was like - you are different...(and we are also working on him getting on the bandwagon..successfully, but s l o w l y).
Now, I am 100% PROLIFE - FOR ALL PARTIES INVOLVED... I will still love my gay-neighbor, but I will not support their lifestyle.
Perhaps there "were" more supernatural works at hand the night of the election. Us..."weak" minded surely were convinced...and for reasons I CANT EVEN EXPLAIN. That was NEVER me...ever...until that night. Now I look back on it and the comment "you are gonna go to the voting booth, a light will shine in and you will be like, I must vote for Obama." - (paraphrase) statement made by Obama. It's almost like - that is what happened.
If I felt many others had too?!
I pray that God forgives me...and I know He did, because it was that night - I truly acknowledged Jesus Christ as my savior for my sins.